Genshin Impact: All Elemental Resonances, Explained

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Team planning creates one of the most important components of Genshin Impact

Team planning creates one of the most important components of Genshin Impact accounts. From planning elemental reactions, and exploring characters with unique passive abilities, not to mention, such as the player's most beloved characters, carefully picking each character has impressive benefits.

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However, Genshin Impact players often miss the significance of one team component particularly — elemental resonances. Proving the ball player's team with unique boosts as well as an elemental status resistance, pairing several characters of the identical element is one thing that Genshin Impact players have to consider. However, more prevalent than not, players are not aware of the specific advantages of each elemental resonance.

Updated on March 8, 2023, by Nahda Nabiilah: The release of Dendro in Genshin Impact boosts the available resonances, where playing a minimum of two Dendro characters within the team will trigger the result. Other than that, Hydro resonance also got modified, where it turns from being a niche effect to 1 of the best resonances within the game. Having two Hydro users inside a Hu Tao team composition, for instance, enhances her HP by 25%, which is massive for those in her kit. Same with having two Pyro users having a DPS like Xiao or Diluc, buffing their ATK by 25% will notably increase their gameplay and DMG.

Overview - Elemental Resonance In Genshin Impact

Generally speaking, Genshin Impact players receive the advantage of an elemental resonance when several characters on the team use exactly the same element. There are exceptions (as is going to be explored within the article) but this is actually the general mechanics at the office; every character around the team advantages of any resonances applied.

Of course, Genshin Impact fans will have to think strategically about using resonances. For example, players may use resonance to enhance an area where they're lacking, like Pyro resonance to improve ATK and Hydro resonance to include HP.

Players may also have several elemental resonances in Genshin Impact. To do so, they simply have to make a team comprising two characters in one element and 2 from another.

Four Different Elements - Protective Canopy

Effect: All Elemental RES +15%, Physical RES +15%.

The simplest elemental resonance in Genshin Impact may be the Protective Canopy. This elemental resonance could be activated whenever the ball player has a team of 4 unique elements, which makes it a good beginning resonance for players still becoming accustomed to the game.

Anemo Resonance - Impetuous Winds

Effect: Decreases Stamina Consumption by 15% and Skill cooldown by 5%. Movement SPD +10%.

The first element for those Travelers within the game, Anemo resonance is probably the second most typical beginner's resonance (beyond maybe Pyro or Cryo.) Impetuous Winds may be the best resonance for exploration, particularly when paired with characters that have an extra effect.

For example, Genshin Impact Wanderer can effortlessly traverse the map even faster with this particular resonance. If players add Dehya and Rosaria to the team, the exploration speed increases even more.

Cryo Resonance - Shattering Ice

Effect: Affected by Electro for 40% a shorter period. +15% CRIT Rate against enemies which are Frozen or impacted by Cryo.

With probably the most common elements within the game, Cryo's resonance is a well-loved one in the community. This is mostly to how overpowered the sperm freeze team is, especially inside a Genshin Impact Morgana team comp.

Electro Resonance - High Voltage

Effect: Affected by Hydro for 40% a shorter period. Superconduct, Overloaded, Electro-Charged, Quicken, Aggravate, or Hyperbloom possess a 100% opportunity to generate an Electro Elemental Particle (CD: 5s).

Considering Electro characters will always be adept at generating Energy, Electro resonance is probably one of the worst elemental resonances in Genshin Impact. For example, although she's Energy-hungry, Raiden Shogun can enjoy just fine even without its resonance since her whole kit involves charging Energy. The same case could be seen in other units like Razor and Kujou Sara. Meanwhile, for many other Electro characters like Lisa, the resonance isn't enough to assist with her Energy issue; one Electro particle with 5s CD isn't helpful enough.

One benefit of the High Voltage would be that the resonance cuts down on the time players are impacted by Hydro, making freezing and Electro-Charged troubles less frequent.

Geo Resonance - Enduring Rock

Effect: Shield strength +15%. Additionally, characters protected with a shield may have the following special characteristics: DMG dealt +15%, dealing DMG to enemies will decrease their Geo RES by 20% for 15s.

Geo elemental resonance in Genshin Impact could well be better than Pyro resonance when it comes to its effect, although not so much in practicality. If players have the ability to bring two Geo characters and something dedicated shielder, they can enjoy a lift in both offense and defense, in which a 15% DMG bonus will end up being crucial.

Hydro Resonance - Soothing Water

Effect: Affected by Pyro for 40% a shorter period. Max HP +25%.

The old Hydro resonance in Genshin Impact boosts incoming healing, but it is later changed to increasing HP. Of course, the brand-new effect is much more useful compared to the former, especially because so many characters can usually benefit from an HP boost. For example, players are now able to play Hu Tao + Xingqiu + Yelan + Zhongli, a team where all its units could make great utilization of HP.

Pyro Resonance - Fervent Flames

Effect: Affected by Cryo for 40% a shorter period. ATK +25%.

While both healing and defense are essential skill areas, DPS remains the name of the sport in Genshin Impact. For players seeking to fully optimize their offensive prowess, then Pyro resonance will probably be one of the greatest choices. This type of resonance is fantastic for players either seeking to optimize the attack of the existing heavy hitter or teams with underdeveloped offensive characters.

Dendro Resonance - Sprawling Greenery

Effect: Elemental Mastery +50. After triggering Burning, Quicken, or Bloom reactions, all nearby party members gain 30 Elemental Mastery for 6s. After triggering Aggravate, Spread, Hyperbloom, or Burgeon reactions, all nearby party members gain 20 Elemental Mastery for 6s. The durations from the aforementioned effects are going to be counted independently.

Dendro Resonance heavily increases Elemental Mastery (EM), making sense because the element involves Dendro elemental reaction in Genshin Impact. Players will automatically gain 50 EM once the requirement is fulfilled, they can get as much as 50 more while triggering the necessary reactions.

genshin impact accounts have become available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.
