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LOVE MUST BE CULTIVATED - If you have a garden, you must cultivate it. Failure to cultivate will mean it is soon overrun by weeds. The ground will become hard, and the plants dwarfed or stilted.



If you have a garden, you must cultivate it. Failure to cultivate will mean it is soon overrun by weeds. The ground will become hard, and the plants dwarfed or stilted.

So, it is with love. Love between man and wife must be cultivated. If it isn’t, the relationship becomes stale, and withers. A wife expects some signs of endearment, and so does the husband. These signs may be small intimacies, but they assure, and keep love growing.

So, it is with our love for the Heavenly Bridegroom. We must cultivate that love. Our hearts need to be taken up with the Person of our Beloved ... His glory, His worth, His work, His words, His Person, His greatness, His mightiness, His eternity.

Our hearts need to develop the capacity to adore Him. And as our hearts adore Him, they will express love to Him ... with or without words.

Sometimes love cannot be expressed in words, and it is possible to dwell in the Presence of the Bridegroom, loving and adoring Him, without expressing words. Words though, usually help to express love. Praise is an expression of our love, and it is hard to praise the Redeemer Master without words. Love tells Him how wonderful He is, and how much He means to us. Love is expressed in worship, and in a yielding of oneself to the Master and His will.

Yes, words do help! The Bridegroom longs to the hear words from a truly adoring heart:

In Hebrew it’s ... “Adonai Yahshua, ani ohev otkha!”


Some believers are reluctant to speak directly to the Redeemer Master Yahshua Messiah.

Yes, I know that we “come to the Father through the Son.” But that doesn’t say, “But don’t talk to the Son!”

Yes, the Saviour taught us to pray, "Our Father." And so, we bring our requests to the Father at the Throne of Grace. But did Y'shua mean, "I will be your ever-present Companion, but don't you talk to Me.”? No! How can you love a person if you do not speak to him or her?

There is no reason at all, for a believer not to talk to the Redeemer Master Yahshua Messiah. Ananias spoke directly to Y'shua who appeared to him in a vision. (Acts 9:10-16). Worship is directed to the Lamb in Revelation 5:9. And the last prayer in the Bible is to the Master Yahshua Messiah. (Rev. 22:20)

There are numerous hymns which are written as prayers addressed to the Redeemer Yahshua Messiah, which we sing without any hesitation. And there are many Hebrew songs of praise to Y’shua

The Redeemer Master Yahshua promised that He will always be with us ... so how can we ignore our ever-present Companion?

Do not be afraid, dear believer - do not be hesitant to commune with Jesus. He is your Beloved. Speaking reverently, I say, express your love to Him. Let His love overwhelm you. And don’t be embarrassed if you find yourself telling Him a thousand times, that you love Him. Revel in His love, and let your heart, mind and emotions overflow with love to Him. Use the words of hymns and choruses, as they will help you express your love.

Yes, sing unto the Redeemer Master. Sing love to your Beloved. This is between you and Him. You have this wonderful privilege to be a personal darling of our wonderful Y’shua Messiah.

Go through your song books and sing or speak those stanzas that increase your thoughts of the Redeemer Master Y’shua Messiah. Oh, follower of Yahshua, cultivate this love relationship with your heavenly Bridegroom?

It can be so uplifting to go out into your own garden, or under the trees, early in the morning, or in the cool of the evening, to spend time with the Bridegroom, and to share your love with Him. You may even have your own personal meeting place with Him. Cultivate your love relationship, and you'll find a new fragrance in your life. Spend time with the Redeemer Y’shua, and His glory will radiate from your life. Learn to love your Beloved, and a new love will emanate from your redeemed personality - your Messiah-filled personality.

