Genshin Impact Mika build and materials guide

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The best Genshin Impact Mika build concentrates on Energy Recharge and HP, which allows him to activate his Elemental Burst as frequently as possible

The best Genshin Impact accounts Mika build concentrates on Energy Recharge and HP, which allows him to activate his Elemental Burst as frequently as possible. Mika isn't going to deal lots of damage, but he's some excellent healing capability and he is one of not many characters who are able to buff the physical damage of a team. Though he's a Cryo polearm user, Miko’s kit features a crossbow for many ranged damage too, which is pretty cool.

genish impact

Mika’s Elemental Skill, Starfrost Swirl, uses that crossbow to fight and deal with Cryo damage too and grant allied characters a buff for their Attack Speed. The crossbow comes with an alternative firing mode whenever you hold the button, letting you aim striking several targets. If you manage to hit several enemies, the buff granted to allies features a 10% boost to physical damage.

His Elemental Burst, Skyfeather Song, regenerates HP for the whole team using the healing being according to Mika’s maximum HP. Normal Attacks produced by characters impacted by this ability continue to heal them for any short quantity of time.

This kit makes Mika a significant solid Support character, though his capability to provide damage buffs is certainly more reliable when you’ve unlocked his Constellations.

Best Mika weapons – Genshin Impact

You don’t ever desire to use Mika to really attack him, as his personal damage is very low. Instead, concentrating on his Energy Recharge (striving for about 180%) may be beneficial to cope using the high cost of his Elemental Burst.

If you’re the kind to have a spare Engulfing Lightning catching dust inside your inventory, that one’s probably the ideal choice thanks to its Energy Recharge stat and also the additional energy generation after activating an Elemental Burst. Honestly, though, the Favonius Lance is likely to be adequate for him.

Here are the most useful weapons for Mika in Genshin Impact:

Engulfing Lightning (5-star polearm)

Favonius Lance (4-star polearm)

Prototype Starglitter (4-star polearm)

Black Tassel (3-star polearm)

Best Mika artifacts – genshin impact accounts

There are some possibilities you might want to consider for Mika. The first one is really a typical set of Support characters, which is always worth a concept: Noblesse Oblige supplies a useful buff for the whole team, and achieving one character carrying it into battle isn't a bad idea.

If you have a Noblesse Oblige or don’t require the Attack buff, you can mix two bits of Tenacity from the Millelith with two bits of Emblem of Severed Fate give Mika one more 20% of HP and Energy Recharge. This is really a very similar setup to Diona’s.

A third choice is to go for any whole group of Ocean-Hued Clam, which is a more damage-oriented road to take. Ocean-Hued Clam buffs Mika’s Healing Bonus and helps to create a physical damage effect according to the quantity of HP healed by his Elemental Burst – this is often substantial enough to cause a substantial quantity of damage.

You’ll want the next stat distribution on artifacts for Mika regardless of the set you select:

Flower: HP (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP%, Elemental Mastery (secondary stats)

Plume: Attack (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP%, HP, Elemental Mastery (secondary stats)

Sands: Energy Recharge (main stat), HP%, HP, Elemental Mastery (secondary stats)

Goblet: HP% (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP, Elemental Mastery (secondary stats)

Circlet: HP% (main stat), Energy Recharge, HP, Elemental Mastery (secondary stats)

Razor is yet another physical damage dealer but doesn’t see very much use. Bringing Mika right into a team surrounding him is really a great idea for that additional damage and also the consistent healing. Fischl takes Raiden’s job like a battery within this composition, while Rosaria is yet another character benefitting from physical damage buffs.

Mika ascension materials – Genshin Impact

You’ll wish to quickly raise Mika’s level whenever you pull him, meaning you’ll have to farm his ascension materials. You’ll also require some material to upgrade his talents.

Here’s what you have to get Mika to level 90:

Shivada Jade Sliver x1

Shivada Jade Fragment x9

Shivada Jade Chunk x9

Shivada Jade Gemstone x6

Recruit’s Insignia x18

Sergeant’s Insignia x30

Lieutenant's Insignia x36

Wolfhook x168

Pseudo-Stamen x46

Mora x2,092,530

Shivada Jade can be obtained from any Cryo-affiliated boss around the world map, like the Cryo Regisvine or even the Cryo Hypostasis, when you can get Insignia from regular Fatui enemies. Wolfhook is really a plant native to Mondstadt, where one can mainly think it is in the area around the Wolf from the North’s boss arena. You’ll need to travel a little farther to locate Pseudo-Stamens, which is a boss material from Setekh Wenut, the sandworm based in the Desert of Hadramaveth. Mora, of course, would be best farmed from golden Ley Line Blossoms.

Here’s what you have to upgrade the 3 of Mika’s talents:

Recruit’s Insignia x18

Sergeant’s Insignia x66

Lieutenant's Insignia x93

Teachings of Ballad x9

Guide to Ballad x63

Philosophies of Ballad x114

Mirror of Mushin x18

Crown of Insight x3

Mora x4,957,000

Aside from additional Insignia and Mora, the upgrade process for Mika’s talents requires you to definitely collect some Books of Ballad. You can acquire these in Mondstadt’s Forsaken Rift Domain on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. The Mirror of Mushin is yet another material present in Sumeru, where you’ll need to beat Scaramouche to have it. Finally, you’ll need Crowns of Insight in the reward trees in Inazuma and Sumeru or from time-limited events to accomplish the process.
