How Can Dash’s Thrill Of Struggles Inspire Youth?

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The definition of success varies from person to person. Each individual has a rare personality, but most share a similar answer when asked, what do you want to achieve in life?

Most of you might seek a long, healthy life, a job that fills your bank account with loads of money, and some long-lasting relationships. Few might want to party and be extraordinarily rich, while some like to travel, become famous, or be remembered after they are gone.

Everyone has a unique set of goals, aims, visions, and desires that set them apart from others. What you’re willing to struggle for can portray what you are passionate about. The question is, what are you willing to struggle for?

More Than Just a Game!

No matter how passionate you are, life can become hard and make you face many challenges. The obstacles are so powerfully influential that they force you to quit. But are you a quitter?

There are two types of mindsets – positive and negative. Individuals with a negative mindset might always look for excuses and tend to give up easily. These people believe failure is the end.

But there comes another mindset that doesn’t believe in failure. No matter the situation, these people will always tend to focus on the positive side. They don’t see failure as the end but as a step toward success.

Dash from More Than Just a Game has a positive mindset.

More Than Just a Game is an inspirational sports fiction written by Rich E. Shaw, an American inventor, author, educator, humanitarian, and entrepreneur.

Dash is a passionate football player with high hopes and dreams who faces many challenges. Yet, quitting was never an option for him. Despite facing severe financial issues and an academic crisis, his obsession to become a football star never wavered. He lost contact with friends, family, and his love; Dash never gave up on his career. Will he be able to achieve his dreams?

How Does the Character of Dash Inspire Youth?

The message is clear and straightforward – there is no such thing as free lunch. Life is complex and a game of many tradeoffs. To gain one thing, we must give up another.

You can’t achieve your dreams without failing in the process. You can never get promoted without working days and nights while giving your best. No one can meet their soulmate without going through rejection. There is no love if you don’t cry. Every achievement has a cost, but either you will work for it or lose everything.

Are you willing to make sacrifices to achieve your goals?

At times you might get stuck and feel everything is ending, but the truth is, it’s just the beginning. This beginning will help you enhance your skills, be patient and consistent, and make you stronger to face challenges in life.   

Bottom Line

No matter what, never give up!

Look for alternatives, explore, discover, research, and do your homework well. Life is a complex journey, but how you choose to live depends on you. Struggles and problems are an inescapable part of life. But they can be overcome if you conquer the fear that keeps you from succeeding.

If you genuinely love something, never lose it. Try to figure out a way to accomplish it. Get a copy of More Than Just a Game and inspire yourself to achieve your dreams.
