Dystopian News 31 March 2023

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“Analysis of the news that you will not hear elsewhere – even from Truth-Seekers.”


DU Weapons to be Used in Ukraine

As you know, the US and UK plan to use DU weapons in Ukraine. This is the most dangerous weapon to use, as it goes on killing and killing for years to come. I wondering if Russia has the plans of dropping leaflets on the civilians in Ukraine of what “their illustrious government” is planning to do. If they knew, it should turn the people against their “own government.”

Anyhow, I wonder if Russia is flying over the border of Ukraine and patrolling it to knock out any and all weapons and troops that cross over. They should if this is a real war. Why do I say this? It’s only common military tactics – regardless of what side you are on. This reminds me of the Korean war, where Gen. Douglas MacArthur found out the weapons were crossing at the Yule River. He wanted to knock that out, but when Washington heard about it, Truman, relieved him of duty. McArthur found out that they were in the war with the intentions of not to win. He also found out that under the UN Charter, any member of the Security Council was to come from a Communist Country. This, of course is treason. So, I can’t help seeing parallels in this war.


The Transgender Are After Christians

There is no doubt about it – listen to this:


NATO Command Centre in Kiev Hit

Source: https://en.topcor.ru/

The secret underground bunker, built at a depth of 120 meters, housed several NATO officers and advisers, more than 300 people in total. To date, 40 people have been recovered from the rubble of the headquarters, but most of those who died under the rubble have not yet been found.


Naked Adults Talk to Children on TV

This is the plans for a show called, Simply Naked, to be aired in Holland. The trailer shows men and women on stage talking to what looks like 10–12-year boys to talk about transgender and, I assume, anything else about sex.



Cars to be Banned by 2030, if WHO Has its Ways



NASA Admits That the Moon Landing Was Fake

We can thank all flat earthers for help spreading the truth and supporting websites like this. I’m sure that with the tons of flat earth information out there must have been a factor for coming clean.



