Ethical Values

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In this article, the writer tried to describe the notion of ethical values in our society.

Personal values affect the mindset and beliefs that people hold. They enable individuals to talk about what they find important. So we will discuss this issue in our leadership essay. Additionally, values are ideals that give meaning and significance to people's lives and underpin the beliefs influencing their decisions and actions. Therefore, understanding one's values is important, since it helps to know how individuals create their reality. Also, it gives insight into other people's realities. My foundational value and belief is dignity and worth of the individual, which aligns with my worldview and life experiences.

Dignity and worth of the individual is the ethical principle that resonates most with me, since the moral value motivates to treat every person in a respectful and compassionate manner. It makes individuals put into consideration ethnic diversity, cultural norms, and other individual differences. My life experiences demonstrate a commitment to the ethical value. In spite of the conduct I got when I moved to the United States from Russia, I treat everyone in a respectful and caring fashion. During the time of my relocation, I was treated very poorly by some of the American kids. I tried to mingle with, but their attitude remained that way until I learned to speak English. My childhood experience would have also made me behave selfishly, but instead, I decided to be respectful. Additionally, I am an individual, who continually seeks to address the needs of others and enhance their capacity to change in the broader society.

I find myself always concentrating on resolving conflicts and ensuring communication in a socially responsible manner. I envision demonstrating the continued commitment to my chosen ethical principle in my future professional career in several ways. Firstly, as a social worker, I will value dignity and worth of every person I come across at work. I will treat each client respectfully with compassion like they deserve to be treated. For instance, I will dedicate time to all clients that need my attention and assistance. I will never let their cultural background, personal issues, and ethnic diversity affect my perception of their worth. For me, a client is a human person, and not an American, a Chinese, or a Russian. It means that I will treat every person equally with dignity, worth, appreciation, and sympathy.

Secondly, I will strive to be mindful of the personal differences, ethnic diversity, and cultural norms. I will promote the self-determination of the clients and respect for their values. Furthermore, I am aware that a professional social worker should at all times be responsible to his or her customers and the organization simultaneously. Thus, I will strive to address the needs of my clients and help them become self-reliant. I will also resolve conflicts between the customers and the society in a respectful and responsible manner.

Dignity and worth of the person is a fundamental ethical value to be possessed by a professional social worker. It ensures that the social worker acts appropriately and gives relevant services and support to those in need without discrimination. I find this ethical value, my personal beliefs, and life experiences to align together, which will help build my career as a social worker. Moral values are crucial in our lives. Knowing the ones that conform most to our attitudes and life experiences makes people lead meaningful, relevant and significant lives.
