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THE BEGINNING OF THE WAY PT 1 - Have you received the Master ~Lord Yahshua Messiah (Christ) as your personal Saviour?


Have you received the Master ~Lord Yahshua Messiah (Christ) as your personal Saviour?

You have made the decision to follow Him? That’s wonderful!

We rejoice with you, dear believer, and the angels in Heaven also rejoice, for this is no small decision you have made! It is the greatest decision you could ever make

YAHWEH the Almighty Living Elohim (God) has been graciously working in your life to bring you to His Way

Your decision has undoubtedly been the turning point of your life, and now you are discovering that everything seems to be new

That is a good sign, for the Scriptures tell us that when we receive Messiah, everything does become new

“Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away; see, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)


When one repents of sin and receives Messiah as his/hers Saviour, he/she experiences what is known as “the new birth.” This is the spiritual birth by which one is born into the family of Elohim (God), and enters the Kingdom of Light

It is also called Regeneration

Before your new birth experience, you were “dead in trespasses and sins.” (Ephesians 2:1) You may have been religious, but you did not have spiritual life

That is why you did not care deeply for the things of Elohim, and you did not know Him in a personal way

But now you have been made alive, and your spirit pulsates with desire to know the Lord and to feed upon Him

The new birth experience is so necessary - for everyone, for, as the Master Yahshua Messiah (Lord Jesus Christ) said; “This is the solemn truth I tell you; no-one can see the kingdom of YAHWEH unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) The new birth is the beginning of the WAY.

.. to be continued...

Mark Chai Watkins 6 yrs

Amin Sheli Metuka, our heartfelt desire to all that they come to the saving grace of our Redeemer Yeshua Mashiach.. Toda Rabbah Tinok <3