What a computer vision developer does

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As a rule, the day of such a specialist begins with a stand-up with a team. He then writes code to train neural networks, preprocesses data, and analyzes experiments. A computer vision developer can work either alone or in a team, where everyone performs a part of a large task.

As for working tools, in writing code for experiments, they usually use the Python language, for training neural networks - the Tensorflow or Pytorch frameworks. Also, the work involved special libraries for image processing such as OpenCV. For high-load projects, the C ++ language can also be used, since what is written in it is executed many times faster.

Computer vision is a young, dynamically developing field at the intersection of science and engineering, in which there are still more experiments than ready-made solutions. To grow, a specialist needs to constantly learn here. But it is the novelty and non-standard nature of the tasks, as well as the opportunity to create something truly innovative, that bring many people to this profession.

As for career prospects, the path from June to middle takes on average from a year to three, depending on the involvement and the desire to develop hard skills. To grow to a senior specialist, you must not be afraid of responsibility, take on big directions and understand how to develop them not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of business.

Computer vision is an area in which you can create truly innovative products, conduct research activities and at the same time not worry about your relevance, specialists in this field are in great demand. These people https://data-science-ua.com/recruiting/for-companies/hire-ai-developers/ are hired now by almost every business.

Nick Ovsienko 4 yrs

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