Where World of Warcraft’s Night Elves Could Plant Teldrassil’s Replacement

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The night elves in World of Warcraft have endured much previously few years. In the Battle for Azeroth expansion, they faced unimaginable loss and tragedy as Sylvanas Windrunner destroyed the Kal’dorei capital city within Teldrassil, the World Tree.

The night elves in World of Warcraft have endured much previously few years. In the Battle for Azeroth expansion, they faced unimaginable loss and tragedy as Sylvanas Windrunner destroyed the Kal’dorei capital city within Teldrassil, the World Tree. Now, World of Warcraft's desolated night elves may have a chance to regrow their house somewhere new.

World Trees in World of Warcraft’s universe are immense trees that touch heaven with their branches and dominate the horizon using their bulk. They are sacred to the night elves and therefore are deeply attached to Azeroth and all sorts of nature. Teldrassil once stood with an island from the continent of Kalimdor, the nighttime elf capital, Darnassus, nestled in the boughs. That was before the tree was set ablaze by the Horde, killing the World Tree together with everyone inside.

World of Warcraft’s Night Elves Have a New World Tree Seed After Shadowlands

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During World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, players found that the souls of these night elves that died within the fire made it toward the Shadowlands. Once players had rescued those souls in the Maw, most of them decided they wanted to help bring renewal to their people. Tyrande Whisperwind, the nighttime elf matriarch, chose to heal over vengeance against Sylvanas, along with the help of players, forged a brand new World Tree seed in the souls of those who had perished.

Tyrande brought the seed to Azeroth, but players don’t know where or if this will be planted. There are other World Trees on Azeroth, but many are either dead or their magic has greatly waned. Nordrassil is probably the most important World Tree on Azeroth so far because it was blessed through the Dragon Aspects themselves 1000's years ago and when gave the nighttime elves their immortality. Archimonde the demon tried using Nordrassil’s capacity to conquer Azeroth in Warcraft 3, but he was destroyed by the nighttime elf spirits protecting it.

With this in your mind, it’s vital that you consider how powerful World Trees can definitely be. They must be placed somewhere protected from corruption, as World Trees previously have proven particularly susceptible to Old God magic. Shaladrassil, within the Broken Isles, was twisted through the Emerald Nightmare, and Vordrassil in Northrend needed to be cut down to avoid the spread of Old God's sickness. Even Teldrassil needed to be carefully purified of foul magic before it burned down.

Theories abound about which the perfect spot could be, which range from places both verdant and desolate. One theory would be that the tree might be planted underneath the Sword of Sargeras, the enormous blade piercing Azeroth’s crust in Silithus. It’s likely that doing this would re-purpose the colossal sword, mending the wound it created in Azeroth and transforming it right into a source of life rather than destruction.
