The Way to Use A Tracing Wheel and Its Functions

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This post will give you knowledge about how to use the tracing wheel and its benefits.

The Way to Use A Tracing Wheel and Its Functions


In sewing, everyone can know many tools. These tools are a kind of blessing for the sewer and for anyone to simplify the work. One of the most useful gadgets in the sewing major is the tracing wheel. This is a small tool but it is able to transfer the patterns from one fabric to another fabric.

A lot of sewists around you may think wrong about tracing wheel. They think the spikes of the tracing wheel will mess up the appearance of the fabric. The sewist should use the tracing wheel. It helps you to work on a pattern easier. Sewist also needs to know and own the best basic sewing machine if they are new to sewing. This post will give you knowledge about how to use the tracing wheel and its benefits.


One of the most useful gadgets in the sewing major is the tracing wheel


1. Use the Stationary

When you are looking at something on the fabric and you will see the fine lines around the garment. Then you will make it permanent if using ink or chalk on it. From my own experience, when I want to save the pattern of a gown. I use chalk or ink to the pattern. I had made an outfit out of the pattern. Then I feel special to sew anything out of the extraordinary.

In the same way, sewists are tracing the pattern from some old vintage fabric to carbon. When they want to transfer the pattern to some other fabric, they will be scared it is going to vanish. Then they will use some stationary over it. With stationery, it can help you in keeping the pattern alive for the longest time.


2. Align the Grainline

In the very beginning, sewists are going to sew the traced pattern on the sewing machine. They all need to be careful and pay attention to the alignment. They also need to have the best starter sewing machine to work on home sewing projects. The alignment of the carbon and grainline is not up to the mark. At this time, sewists will get an improper texture. Then a lot of things will become and turn to be a huge mess. But, sewists are going to start the tracing.


Tracing wheel is really useful in creating a lot of old pattern in the new fabric


They need to make sure the carbon is aligned with the grainline. And it will save the work from many kinds of mishaps. Another way, sewists can put a little weight on the sides of the fabric to stick the carbon. Then they can have a clear view of the whole working process. Sewists need to choose the kind of carbon paper. So, they can easier to witness the lines of the fabric.



In short, tracing patterns is going to help you a lot. It is really useful in creating a lot of old patterns in the new fabric. It will also have the process smoother and easier. You can make people around you impressed by creating the pattern of the vintage garment. That will be much easier for you to create the bags or home decoration stuff in the same pattern. Because they do not need any kind of fittings like a garment.

However, for any kind of stitching, you should have the best inexpensive sewing machine for beginners to practice more. Have a nice day!
