Marriage certificate service In Noida

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Registrywaala provides comprehensive business consultations combining technology and legal knowledge. Our ability to meet your needs is ensured by a thorough understanding of your requirements , Marriage Registration Noida | Marriage certificate Noida .

What is a Marriage Certificate?

A marriage certificate is a legal document that confirms the marriage of two individuals. It contains information about the couple, including their names, ages, and occupations, as well as the date and location of the marriage. The Marriage certificate Noida is usually signed by  the couple, the officiant, and witnesses,  Marriage certificate Noida is appointed by the govt of India. 

A marriage certificate is a legal document that serves as proof of marriage between two individuals. It is an important document that is required for a variety of purposes, including applying for a visa, changing your name, and accessing certain benefits.

They serve as legal proof of marriage, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as applying for a visa, changing your name, or accessing certain benefits. Without a marriage certificate, you may not be able to prove that you are legally married, which can cause significant problems.

Why To hire services of RegistryWaala - 

Lawyers with years of experience handling Legal cases...

With a team of business and legal experts with extensive legal experience, Registrywaala provides comprehensive business consultations combining technology and legal knowledge. Our ability to meet your needs is ensured by a thorough understanding of your requirements. 

Marriage certificate Noida | Registrywaala offers you The best services of Marriage  certificate  Marriage Registration In Noida


Registering marriages, registering property, Transfer Memorandum, Permission to Mortgage, Rental Agreements, and providing legal advice are some of the services we provide.



How to Obtain a Marriage Certificate

Marriage certificates are issued by the government authority responsible for registering marriages in your country or state. The process for obtaining a certificate varies depending on where you live, but generally involves submitting an application form and providing proof of identity and the marriage itself.

In most cases, you will need to apply for a marriage certificate in person or by mail. Some authorities also offer online application services for greater convenience. You may also need to pay a fee to obtain a copy of your marriage certificate.


How to Obtain a Marriage Certificate

Marriage authentications are given by the public authority liable for enrolling relationships in your nation or state. The interaction for getting a declaration fluctuates relying upon where you reside, yet by and large includes presenting an application structure and giving evidence of personality and the actual marriage.

Generally speaking, you should apply for a marriage testament face to face or via mail. A few specialists likewise offer internet based application administrations for more noteworthy comfort. You may likewise have to pay an expense to get a duplicate of your marriage testament.


Why Marriage Certificates are Important

Marriage certificates are important for several reasons. Firstly, they serve as legal proof of marriage, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as applying for a visa, changing your name, or accessing certain benefits. Without a marriage certificate, you may not be able to prove that you are legally married, which can cause significant problems.

Secondly, marriage certificates provide important information about the couple, such as their names, ages, and occupations, which can be useful for genealogical or historical research.

Finally, marriage certificates can help to protect the legal rights and interests of the couple. For example, if one spouse dies without leaving a will, the marriage certificate can be used to prove that the surviving spouse is entitled to inherit their property.

In some cases, couples may also choose to obtain a commemorative marriage certificate as a memento of their special day. These certificates are often personalized with the couple's names and wedding details and can be a nice way to remember the occasion.

Required Documents


The documents required to get a marriage registered in India may slightly vary from one state to another. However, most of it remains the same. It is important to know that all the documents should be duly signed by a gazetted officer at the time of submission. The standard documents for all states are:

  • An application form signed by both the parties, i.e. the husband and the wife
  • A document for birth proof. The document can be a matriculation certificate, birth certificate, or passport. The age of the male applying for a marriage registration should be 21, and the female should be 18. This is applicable for both the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
  • Residential proof of both the parties. It can be in the form of an Election Voter ID, PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Ration Card or electricity bill.
  • In case the marriage took place in any religious place, a certificate from the institution, certifying the solemnization of the marriage.
  • Rs 100, if the marriage is registered under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and Rs 150, if the marriage is registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, to be submitted to the district cashier. The receipt of the payment is to be attached with the application form.
  • Two passport size photos of both the parties, i.e. the husband and the wife. And one marriage photo in case it is already solemnized.
  • The invitation card for the wedding if the marriage is solemnized.
  • Both the parties have to give an affirmation that they are neither relayed to nor they fall into any decree of prohibited relationship, mentioned under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
  • In case any of the parties is divorced, an attested copy of the divorce decree should be attached with the application form.
  • In case any of the party is a widow or a widower, the death certificate of the spouse should be attached with the application form.
  • An affidavit should be attached with the application form that states the place of marriage, date of marriage, time of marriage, marital status and nationality of both the parties.
  • Two witnesses from both sides need to be present in the sub-registrar office at the time of the meeting.
  • In case the marriage is solemnized, two witnesses who attended the wedding need to be present in the sub-registrar office at the time of the meeting.



A marriage certificate is an important legal document that confirms the marriage of two individuals. It serves as proof of marriage and provides important information about the couple. Obtaining a marriage certificate is a relatively straightforward process that varies depending on where you live. If you are getting married, it is important to make sure that you obtain a marriage certificate and keep it in a safe place, as it may be required for a variety of purposes in the future.
