Role of Personal Development in Achieving Goals of Life

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Personal development helps people in increasing their potential, recognizing their skills, increases confidence, people also set their goals in life and learn about their potential in achieving goals.


It is also like personal development in this, we work on our-self by making improvements in our skills, by gaining knowledge more and more, talent or many other things also which are important of life like sharp mind.

Why personal development is important?

Personal development is important because it helps in making plans to achieve the goals of life. It helps in developing skills like:

  • Increase our strengths, talent.
  • Makes our-self better.
  • Helps in improving our career.
  • We can achieve any kind of goal.

Maslow in 1970 said that all people need personal development in life which happens through a process called self-actualization.

Maslow's table includes six things, according to Maslow if one level is achieved in life then, people are going towards the next level by motivating themselves.

  • First of all basic needs are important for example food, drink, etc.
  • Then, at the second number safety and security is also important.
  • In the third number, they started to achieve love and support.
  • Then, they started to achieve self-confidence.
  • Then, they started to understand things means increasing their knowledge.
  • Then, they started to achieve beauty, a good body, etc.
  • At last, they achieved self-actualization means becoming everything that one is capable of becoming.

Improvement in Personal development skills

We can improve our skills by learning from different people who are successful in life, by taking different learning classes, and following a different kind of guidelines in life:

  • We should make our observance strong by observing different people. We should focus on these things how they work etc.
  • We should make our network strong by talking or cooperating with other people.
  • We should talk to our counselors so that they guide us in the right way.
  • We should do Yoga because it relieves us from stress.
  • After any work, we should ask other people about our work so we know which kind of response we get.
  • We should always try hard to learn a lot of new things. 
  • We should develop reading and learning skills because it makes our minds sharp.
  • We should overawe our fears by gaining confidence.

Manage your personal development

The steps which are included in management are as follows:

  • First of all, we should develop an idea of what we want to do?
  • Then, we should draw a plan and think about it How to do it?
  • Then, we should start development by applying different techniques in life.
  • Then, we should also start recording our plans which are helpful for us.

Life coaching

It is a very important part of life because it helps a lot of people in achieving their goals; people get motivation in achieving their dream goals and also their career goals.

I think a life coach was someone who is very old and has a lot of experience in life and gives advice but I was wrong because a life coach is someone who helps us in achieving goals of our life.

A life coach helps us by asking questions, listening to us, and by developing awareness in our life. He does need to be a good listener, needs to ask the right questions, and needs to make sure that you are focused on a specific goal. That goal could be something like increasing your confidence, getting a new job does not matter what it is.

Life coaching is not therapy. It is more about looking forward and moving you towards a place where you want to be. They help people with their confidence and to get a better balance. They help to be more productive, raise self-awareness and also make dependable changes in life.

Fahad Khan is a famous keynote speaker and a life coach in Canada as well as in Pakistan and also the best motivational speaker of Pakistan. He also provided different free learning platforms, courses and training, and workshops. At the age of 23, he started his business career and after facing a lot of hurdles in life he became a successful businessperson. He is a powerful motivational speaker who authorizes our youth towards positive areas in life. He inspires millions of youth in Pakistan with a lot of his hard work.

Achieving goals in life:

The goals we achieved are as follows:

We have strong emotional intelligence we know how to deal with colleagues and how to solve problems with peace of mind.

We develop confidence which helps us in achieving a good job and also provides us promotions and success.

We feel more motivated and we also give positive vibes to other people.

We start focusing on the present instead of the future and past also. We start making our present better or better.

How to highlight our skills:

We can highlight our skills on our resume, cover letter, or during any job interview because it gives a good impression.

