Elden Ring: Where To Find Ambush Shard

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Ambush Shard is really a surprisingly simple yet powerful sorcery in Elden Ring. Here's and you'll discover it


Ambush Shard is really a surprisingly simple yet powerful sorcery in Elden Ring. Here's and you'll discover it.

With Elden Ring's massive variety of spells for players to select from, some are a bit simpler, getting the player to fire Flintstone pebbles at their enemies, while some can be a lot more powerful and inventive. Many of the well-known powerful spells are thought must-take for sorcery-heavy builds, while other extremely effective options go unnoticed.

Sorceries in many cases are difficult to use in PVP as other players might find the cast and may time their dodging correctly. Ambush Shard, must to its namesake, considers the usual ways sorcery fails to deliver, and gets more creative which will help you have a lot better possibility of hitting your enemy.

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Where To Find Ambush Shard

Elden Ring Runes

Ambush Shard can be found in the southern continent of the Weeping Peninsula. In the western section of this continent would be the Witchbane Ruins. Start in the Fourth Church Of Marika Site of Grace and head right down to the area below the church towards the south. There will be some ruins with enemies traveling them; remain on torrent and run toward the north-western back corner from the ruins.

Here you will find a small section of the ruins that is a staircase heading downstairs, be aware of the few enemies guarding this staircase. Head on the stairs and with the door, looking across the right side of the wall to locate a lootable body using the spell Ambush Shard onto it. This is also the place where Sorcerer Sellen is locked up, together with Witch-Hunter Jerren, once you defeat General Radahn.

How To Use Ambush Shard

Ambush Shard requires 23 intelligence to memorize, trying out one memory slot, and charges 13 FP to cast. This spell only fires a comparatively basic blast of one's into your enemy for any decent quantity of damage but is exclusive in that the spell is fired from behind your enemy. This makes the spell incredibly useful against shield enemies because the bolt will hit them without having to be blocked through the shield. NPC enemies within this game cannot effectively dodge this type of sorcery, which makes it incredibly powerful and helpful for clearing out the numerous enemies in the view world.

This spell is also always fired at the same distance behind an enemy, regardless of how far back the caster is, so long as you can lock to the target. This helps shorten the delay between you casting the spell and also the enemy being hit. This spell includes a short cast time, which makes it a very useful spell to create to PVP, as switching to it for any quick cast every once in a while will keep surprising your enemy and become a more difficult dodge than your other spells.

