we see reducing freeway construction as a

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we see reducing freeway construction as a

California needs transportation alternatives,www.cycling-off.com not more cars. Electric cars are a vital element of our climate solution, but they are just one element. We need to fundamentally change how we get around to have any hope of mitigating climate change. This means more public transportation, better biking and walking routes, and more options for all Californians. Freeways often create barriers and hazards that discourage active transportation. We need to start thinking about tearing them down, not expanding or extending them.
Moving forward without freeway expansions
Supporting AB 1778 and seeking transparency on legacy road-building projects is just the beginning of CalBike’s efforts, joining many community organizations already doing this difficult work. Alongside the many environmental, social, and racial injustices,short sleeve cycling jerseys we see reducing freeway construction as a
