Steam’s Free Trial feature

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With the creative addition of the Free Trial option, Steam is upping its game. With this innovative feature, consumers can dive into their favorite games and experience them fully for a predetermined period of time before making a purchase.

There are undoubtedly concerns regarding how this newly introduced Free Trial function will work with Steam's refund policy. The current Steam policy allows customers to request refunds within 14 days, provided they've played for less than two hours. However, the inclusion of full-access trials creates the risk of exploitation because users could go over the allotted two hours without paying anything.

Without a doubt, Steam is considering this, and a solid plan will be in place to deal with anyone attempting to abuse the system. The platform, however, hasn't provided detailed information about any potential changes that distributors and developers might make to the test period.

As of right now, the reboot of the 2008 classic Dead Space is the only game that offers this Steam Free Trial feature. Other popular games on the platform have not yet received the Free Trial functionality. Future game releases may be impacted if this trial is successful and gains user popularity. If developers choose not to offer the Free Trial functionality, they can encounter unfavourable feedback.
