Lost Ark: Hunger Reaper Raid Build Guide

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The Reaper arrives fast in the shadows together with her agility and precision. The class has three distinct skill sets that permit her to possess a plethora of playstyles


The Reaper arrives fast in the shadows together with her agility and precision. The class has three distinct skill sets that permit her to possess a plethora of playstyles. Dagger's skills concentrate on skills revolving around her sharp blades. Shadow skills contain her many clone abilities which come to her aid or general mobility. Finally, her Swoop skills are her "red" skills, allowing her to impact the map with huge burst damage.

There are two modes for Reaper, Chaos and Persona mode. Chaos mode involves her fast and agile form, concentrating on a barrage of attacks. On the other hand, Persona mode concentrates on landing big Swoop attacks throughout the duration.

In this short article, we are covering Hunger, a build revolving around her Chaos Mode for quick barrages of hits. If you're thinking about a much more aggressive Reaper playstyle, become Chaos itself with this particular build.

Check the Lunar Voice Reaper Build Guide to have an alternative Reaper playstyle.

This build guide assumes you've got a Character at Level 50 before transitioning into it. Check the Reaper Leveling and 1-50 Leveling guides to achieve Level 50.

Check the Guardian Raids and Abyssal Dungeons guides to have an introduction to their content.

Raid Skill Build

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Nightmare is the Counter skill, debuffs as well as allows you to teleport towards the opposite direction of the current position should you land the first dagger toss, the explosion from Back Attack can trigger the Counter effect too, enabling you essentially teleport in the back of boss towards the front countering them.

Shadow Vortex debuffs 12% defense reduction with Poison: Corrosion and in addition it reduces cooldowns of the Swoop Skills.

Distortion can serve as your mobility skill also it can phase through bosses which enables you to reposition behind easier.

Shadow Storm is the gauge generator as well as a pretty decent damaging skill too with the proper Skill Tree node. This skill can phase through certain bosses too if they are much less big to reposition towards the back.

Rage Spear, Dance of Fury, Glowing Brand, and Silent Rage are the main damage skills scale together with your Specialization stats.


Awakening Skill choices:

Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza is generally used more often than not as it does more damage compared to latter awakening also it generates Persona Gauge use which enables you to use Shadow Storm

Solar Eclipse: Requiem

Basic Skills:

Distortion could be downgraded to Level 4, should you are stacking high Swiftness to still keep up with the Raid Captain synergy, then make use of the extra skill points to upgrade Shadow Storm for additional damage increase.

Shadow Storm 1st row Skill Tree could be replaced with Charge Shadow, should you have difficulty generating high Chaos Gauge with it should you have low Specialization stats or poor quality.

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