Elder Scrolls Online: How To Get Undaunted Keys? - Quick Guide

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This is a superb way for one to get keys no matter your level of skill. It’s super easy and depends on how your perception

This is a superb way for one to get keys no matter your level of skill. It’s super easy and depends on how your perception. It could be somewhat quicker than spending an unprecedented in time that queue for that City of Ash 2 pledge just for that entire group to possess left before you even work through the loading screen. Because it’s quicker to allow them to wait for the 15-minute timeout after which just queue for another thing instead.

TL;DR Undaunted Keys

Undaunted Keys are from doing daily pledges, which may be picked up in three locations: Wayrest in Stormhaven, Elden Root in Grahtwood, and Mournhold in Deshaan.

There are three NPCs in the Undaunted Enclaves, who provide the daily quests. Try to pick all of them up when you are able. Undaunted Keys are rewarded for completing a pledge. You get one key for completing a pledge on normal or veteran and 2 keys for completing a pledge on veteran hard mode.

These keys then could be spent on Undaunted Coffers, which drop two different mods to shoulders that pair using their correlating monster helm. Shoulders can predominantly be obtained with the coffers.

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However, you have the golden merchant in Cyrodiil, who also sells random shoulders every weekend. It is going to be better for those who have plenty of ESO Gold. It’s still a lot more efficient to buy shoulders with keys, however.

How To Farm?

So, how do I get each one of these keys?

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For people who don’t come with an attention span of more than 30 seconds, in a nutshell, you can run 2 kinds of dungeons: the Fungal Grottol 1 and also the Spindleclutch 1.

All you’re likely to do is get the pledges of these two dungeons once they’re the daily pledge and run them on every character you can. Depending on the number of characters you've set up for dungeons determines the number of keys you receive. And should you be able to perform this on all 18 characters, you’ll receive 36 keys per day.

However, the reason you only want to do that with Fungal Grottol and Spindleclutch happens is because they’re the simplest and quickest dungeons hanging around. Plus, who doesn’t love a Fungal one, it’s like the best dungeon ever.

For optimal results, you need to run these dungeons on veteran and perform the hard mode around the final boss. Please note: these hard modes aren't any more difficult than non-hard modes. This will ensure you receive the optimal quantity of keys. However, should you’re not confident in completing dungeons on Veteran, you can also just run them on normal.

Fungal Grotto and Spindleclutch are lightning-fast dungeons on normal, so you’ll have the ability to complete several runs very quickly. Plus, the folks queuing for any random normal will like you once they see that fungal one-loading screen. You can also always obtain a group of friends or Guild mates together and spam out those pledges on repeat. Another great bonus is the fact that these could be a great way to farm Transmute Crystals, too.

Keeping Track Of Pledges

Since pudges have been in a two-week cycle, you can keep tabs on when Fungal Grottol 1 or Spindleclutch 1 is going to be coming up because of the daily again. There are lots of good websites and add-ons that track the pledges: ESO Hub being one of these and Undaunted Pledge Utilities being a great add-on should you play on PC.

If you’re in certain ESO discords, the Dwemer Automaton bot will even post which pledges would be the daily on each platform and exactly what the following day’s pledges will be too.


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