What Standards to Pay Attention to When Designing a PCB Footprint

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PCB packaging is important to designers, and TechSparks strongly recommends to listen to the manufacturer's recommendations and comply with IPC standards when designing to facilitate correct component soldering and assembly processes.

A PCB footprint refers to the physical layout or pattern on a printed circuit board that corresponds to the electrical and mechanical connections of specific electronic components. It defines the size, shape and location of pads, vias, holes, and other features required to mount and solder components to a PCB. Therefore, designers need to strictly adhere to some standards when designing footprints to ensure the accuracy of assembly.

Parts of the PCB Footprint

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How to Create a PCB Footprint

Designing custom PCB footprints becomes necessary in various scenarios, including instances where the component library is unavailable in the PCB design software database. These situations often require designers to create their own footprints to ensure accurate representation and connectivity of electronic components on the PCB.

Another common situation that calls for custom PCB footprint design arises when the manufacturer's datasheet does not provide the necessary land pattern information. In such cases, designers must rely on their expertise and experience to create the appropriate footprint that meets the specifications and requirements of the component.

Additionally, the need to design PCB footprints can arise when working with subassemblies that consist of multiple components, such as ICs and passive components, or when integrating multiple circuits into a single design. Custom footprints enable designers to accurately position and connect these components, ensuring optimal functionality and performance.

Footprint Design Steps

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PCB Footprint Design Guidelines

Designing a PCB footprint involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure proper component placement and connectivity. Guidelines for PCB footprint design cover aspects such as pad arrangement, pad spacing, board edges, mounting holes, and more. Here are some commonly followed guidelines:

  • Adhere to the specified pad spacing guidelines, considering surface elements, drill holes, other pads, and board edges.
  • When creating the PCB footprint, include essential information like pad details, component outline, silk screen markings, reference designations, and STEP models.
  • Ensure that the pads around the component edges are accurately sized.
  • For through-hole components, indicate the location of the hole within the footprint.
  • Obtain accurate component specifications and refer to industry standards like IPC-7351 for creating the footprint.
  • For polarized components such as capacitors, clearly mark the polarity in the PCB footprint. Similarly, indicate pin details for diodes, SCRs, MOSFETs, and other components.
  • Identify pin-1 in quad and DIP IC packages to ensure proper orientation.
  • Include all the necessary data and attributes in the footprint to avoid outdated PCB boards.


PCB footprint design accuracy is critical, and it is important for designers to follow the above criteria. If you want my content, you can read more interesting electronic circuit related knowledge on my private blog site.

