WotLK Classic Mining Leveling Guide 1-350

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This WotLK Classic Mining leveling guide will highlight the fastest method to level your Mining profession up from 1 to 350 in Wrath from the Lich King Classic

This WotLK Classic Mining leveling guide will highlight the fastest method to level your Mining profession up from 1 to 350 in Wrath from the Lich King Classic.

Don't forget to purchase a Mining Pick from the Mining Supply vendor near your trainer! You do not have to equip it, however, you have to have one out of your inventory.

Make certain you switch on the Find Minerals filter in your minimap!

1 - 65

Every starter zone is stuffed with Copper Ore. It doesn't matter which you choose.

Night Elf players must hold back until they reach Darkshore before they can start leveling mining because Teldrassil does not have any Copper Ore.

65 - 125

Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Mining. (You need to level up Mining to a minimum of 50)

Ores during these zones: Tin Ore, Copper Ore, Silver Ore

125 - 175

Visit your trainer and learn Expert Mining. (Requires level 10)

Ores during these zones: Iron Ore, Tin Ore, Gold Ore

175 - 245

Don't forget to visit your Mining trainer and learn Artisan Mining between 200 and 225! (Artisan Mining Requires level 25 and Mining skill 200)

Ores during these zones: Mithril Ore, Truesilver Ore

245 - 275

Ores during these zones: Mithril Ore, Truesilver Ore, Thorium Ore

WOTLK Classic Gold

275 - 300

Ores during these zones: Thorium Ore, Mithril Ore

Now you can mine Rich Thorium Veins too.

Burning Crusade Classic (300-350)

You can discover the TBC Mining skill from Fono or Hanlir in Shattrath City and Hurnak Grimmord or Krugosh in Hellfire Peninsula. (Requires level 40)

300 - 325

There isn't much difference between the 2 routes, I got roughly the same number of Fel Iron on both routes.

Small Thorium Veins can give skill points as much as 345, and Rich Thorium Veins as much as 350. If you have lots of competition in Hellfire Peninsula or do not have a flying mount, I recommend mining more Thorium in the previous zones as much as 325.

325 - 350

There are a few Rich Adamantite nodes in Terokkar Forest that you are able to mine before you reach 350. But, they can only spawn within the areas accessible by flying mount, so this isn't an issue for lower-level players. (Skettis and also the area above Shattrat City)

If you want to skip farming or leveling, you can take a quick look at our WOTLK Classic Gold and wotlk classic boosting service!
