Here are four storylines that we believe have the potential to be resolved in their entirety before the conclusion of Dr

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Here are four storylines that we believe have the potential to be resolved in their entirety before the conclusion of Dragonflight for good

Because this World of Warcraft expansion features multiple parallel plotlines that have already begun to emerge, there is an almost unbounded number of directions in which this story could go. Here are four different storylines that we believe have the potential to be resolved in their entirety before Dragonflight comes to an end for good.

Nozdormu becomes Murozond

This seems like it should be an easy win. The aspect of the infinite dragonMurozond has been a major player in World of Warcraft ever since he was first presented in Patch 4.3 all the way back in 2011. During the Dragonflight campaign, it was heavily teased that Murozond's arrival was on the horizon, and he has been a force in the game ever since. The name Murozond is an anagram for the name of the Bronze Aspect Nozdormu. Murozond is a perverted version of Nozdormu that falls prey to the schemes of the Infinite Dragonflight, one of the primary antagonists in the first phase of the Dragonflight saga.

Nozdormu engages in combat with Eternus at the conclusion of the Dragonflight leveling experience. Eternus is attempting to corrupt the aspect and transform Nozdormu into Murozond. Despite the fact that Eternus is unsuccessful, she promises to come back and complete the task. Nozdormu comes to terms with the fact that he is powerless against destiny and acknowledges that he is destined to one day become the Infinite Dragon Aspect.

It is currently unknown whether or not this will take place towards the conclusion of Dragonflight; however, the conditions have been set for this story thread to be brought to a successful conclusion.

The aspect of the Crowning of a Black Dragon

The conflict between Sabellion and Wrathion, the two heirs to the Black Dragonflight, was kicked off at the beginning of Dragonflight when Sabellion was brought back into the story of the game after being absent for some time. Throughout the first phase of the expansion, the two dragons have maintained a tense alliance; however, it is highly likely that their relationship will soon take a turn for the worse and become more antagonistic. Only one of them has the potential to be given the title of Black Dragon Aspect and assume the role at the Seat of the Aspects that was formerly occupied by their father, Neltharion.

Because the next major content patch for this game is going to be called Embers of Neltharion, players can anticipate that there will be some kind of payoff occurring in the not-too-distant future. It would come as a genuine shock if the upcoming patch did not bring about a resolution of some kind to the conflict between the two sons of Neltharion who are still alive.

This is the travel to Avaloren.

The heretical continent of Avaloren has been an ever-present point of exploration for the World of Warcraft storyline. However, in Dragonflight, it is beginning to feel more and more possible that we will actually end up sailing to the opposite side of the world, to the other side of Azeroth, to the other continent. Those individuals who sought to defy the will of the Titans were able to find refuge there and defend themselves successfully against Odyn's assaults.

The continent of Avaloren has been hinted at multiple times throughout the expansion, most notably in the Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr dungeon. In this particular instance, Avaloren is mentioned for the first time, and it is determined that traveling there would be a poor choice. The Titans play such a significant part in the history and narrative of the Dragon Isles that it would not be surprising for players to find a zone that deals directly with the Titans' goals and foes.

The revival of time-honored favorites

All indications point to the fact that the game's upcoming raid, Aberrus, will serve as the jumping off point for a possible exploration of the Void's deeper reaches. The final battle of the raid takes place in a room that eerily resembles the Void, and Scalecommander Sarkareth, who is himself the final boss of the raid, has been hinted to have connections to the Old Gods. Due to the fact that all five of the Old Gods—C'Thun, G'Huun, N'Zoth, Y'Shaarj, and Yogg-Saron—have been canonically vanquished within the game, it is highly unlikely that they will return directly. Instead, they will most likely make their appearance by means of a vessel.

Despite this, evidence of the Old Gods' continued existence can be discovered all over Azeroth. Even though they aren't physically present, the Old Gods have an effect on the Dragon Isles due to their role as corroborators with the Infinite Dragonflight and as direct enemies of the Titans. This is the case even though the Old Gods aren't present in the traditional sense.
