Turmoil-Dangers Of Enchantment In Your Life

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Enchantment can be enticing, but is it as magical as it seems? Let’s discuss the dangers of enchantment in your life.

Sometimes, the mundaneness of life gets to you; sometimes, you just want something more to ignite a spark in your life and turn your world around. Violet, our protagonist in Martha Wickham’s latest book, Found in Misty Fall, got hold of a piece of jewelry that had the power to do just that. 

What seemed like a harmless spark led to a fire she could not control. The magic enchanting the ring was too strong to harness. Should she have seen it coming? Let’s discuss the dangers of enchantment in your life. 

What is enchantment?

Enchantment is another word for magic, sorcery, and wizardry. Throughout the year, people have indulged themselves in spells to work their way around life and so-called "hack the system." People may opt for enchantment to gain prosperity and an easier livelihood without putting in the necessary work or taking precautions. However, in most cases, enchantment has an equal exchange going for it. 

This leads us to various drawbacks that come with using enchantments. 

The exchange

Violet, our protagonist, chose to obtain the magic ring that granted her every wish. With a turn of events, what seemed like a marvelous opportunity slowly condensed into a precarious situation where Violet was guilty of a heinous crime. 

In most cases, enchantment comes at the expense of someone’s life or feasts off of yours. This is where the saying, “Too good to be true,” comes into play. The universe operates at a balance, an equal exchange in all facets of life. Hence, if something looks too good to be true, it most likely is. The caveats of enchantment can backfire and possibly ruin your life. 

Here are possible ways enchantment can be detrimental to you. 

A binding oath: When using enchantment, you can easily bind yourself to a magical entity that can control your life without consent. It is essential to understand what you're getting yourself into; with enchantment, humans are limited in understanding the mechanisms magic operates by, leaving them vulnerable to oppression.

Falling in the wrong hands:
If an enchanted vessel falls in the wrong hands, it is most likely a cause of chaos for themselves people around them. One may debate whether Violet was meant to be in possession of the ring, leading to a dreadful situation.

Generational curses: Enchantments can even lead to rigid generational curses that can ruin your life and your family's. If an individual chooses to get an enchantment, they should consider that their loved ones can also be at risk of bearing the side effects.


The deities and realms kept hidden from as are meant to be that way. Tampering and meddling with enchantment can lead to dire repercussions for the user. Violet learns this the hard way as she walks us through the enchanting experience with a ring that literally changes her life and those around her. 

Click on the link to buy Martha Wickham’s fantasy fiction, Found in Misty Fall, now!
