Diablo 4: Ruins of Eridu Dungeon Guide - Introduction, Guide, and Rewards

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Dungeons in Diablo 4 offers players different items and gold. Some of them are good farming locations because of good rewards and easy difficulty. Ruins of Eridu is one of them.

There are many dungeons in Diablo 4. These dungeons offer you many powerful D4 Items and gold and also have experience for you to upgrade. In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know about Ruins of Eridu.

Introduction of Ruins of Eridu

Ruins of Eridu is one of the dungeons in Diablo 4. It is located in Tonix Fens in Hawezar. You can get there by using the closest teleport: Vyeresz Waypoint. It is a long dungeon and has tight corridors. Most of the enemies are Undead and Fallen. These Fallen Shamans are more dangerous than others. They can deal high-ranged damage.

Guide to Ruins of Eridu

The main goal of the dungeon is to kill all enemies. You can check your map if there are any enemies you missed.

Your first goal is to kill all enemies in Rotting Halls. It is not hard to deal with, just some common enemies. There is no special event to attend in this dungeon.

After that, you need to get to Fallen Chambers. There are two Banes of EriduBanes. No need to worry about them. It's easy to handle. Kill them, and you'll face the boss of the dungeon at Lair of the Riser: Spiritcaller of Flames.

Spiritcaller of Flames is a Fallen Shaman. He can summon totems, which can increase the number of fireballs from Spiritcaller of Flames when these fireballs hit totems. There is no dangerous attack on the boss. It is not hard to avoid his fireballs, and it is not high damage even if you get hit.

Spiritcaller of Flames can also summon Fallen to help him, and the number of summoned will increase over time. But no need to worry about it, he should have been killed before a large number of enemies were summoned.

It is not a high-difficulty dungeon, but if you have any trouble, some powerful items may help you. You can Buy Diablo 4 Gold from MMOWTS at a cheap price with a safe deal if you need it. You can use the discount code "LQ" to get an extra 5% off.

Rewards of Ruins of Eridu

Complete this dungeon you will get gold, experience, 20 Renown, and most importantly: Sacrificial Aspect, which is for Necromancers.

Ruins of Eridu dungeon is not difficult to complete. It is a good farm location for gold and experience. I hope this article can help you.
