Unreported Headlines That Could Make You Angry

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These are news headlines that you won’t hear in the mainline news. Do you want to know what is REALLY happening? If you have been sleeping prepare to be jolted out of your slumber!

Floods and drought devastate crops around the planet. Is a global food crisis coming?

”Unplanned” film banned in Canada for its life-affirming content.

Minnesota students assigned to color ‘reverential’ photos of Ilan Omar.

Ilhan Omar attack’s conservative people of faith on House floor.

New concern about health effects as 5G networks go up nationwide.

Superbugs are killing antibiotics: one disease away from disaster.

On the edge of disaster:majority of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.

Information slowly emerging about pipe-wielding mob of Somali youth who attacked people waiting for light rail train in Minneapolis.

Marxist infiltration of California Democrat Party.

Pope rejects excessive demand for sovereignty, pushes idea of global authority.

Christian athletes being purged for posting biblical beliefs on social media.

The epidemic of a seared conscience.

Globalists are bringing their one world currency plan out in the open.

Tony Perkins: If Equality Act becomes law, U.S. will experience catastrophic loss of religious freedom.

Word Press.com blacklists blogs critical of Islam.

Sheltering Little Aardvark: PBS Arthur Kids program joins LGBT indoctrination.

     Are you awake yet, maybe angry? This is only a small sample. There are plenty more headlines like these. Go to Jan Markell Olive Tree Ministries, and click on headlines.



