Diablo 4: Forbidden City Dungeon Introduction, Guide, and Rewards

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It must be a new experience to play in an ancient tomb, fight a bunch of ghosts and undead, and then get the final rewards. You will experience this at Forbidden City dungeon of Diablo 4.

If you're looking for some good locations to get more powerful items, you must check Forbidden City dungeon. It is a terror and wired dungeon with more elites than other dungeons, so you have more chances to get high rarity items. Learn more about Forbidden City dungeon with this article.

Introduction of Forbidden City Dungeon

Forbidden City dungeon is located at Sarkova Pass in Fractured Peaks, north of Menestad. This dungeon has a terrifying atmosphere. There are skulls and spider legs on the wall and crowded enemies. Most are Ghouls, Ghosts, and Vampires, and also have a boss fight.

This dungeon has many elites, which means you have more chances to get Legendary items but also means it has a high difficulty. You have to be careful.

Guide to Forbidden City Dungeon

The first scene is Path of Blood and you need to kill three Enraged Spirits. They are all elite and surrounded by a group of spirits. They can summon lighting balls in different directions, which deal high damage. Be careful to avoid it.

The next area is Ghastly Depths. You need to kill all the enemies here. You won't see the number of enemies at first, but it will appear when you kill several enemies. Finish this and the gate to the Tomb of Thazbach will be unlocked. You will face the boss: Resurrected Malice.

A ranged class should be easier to beat this boss. Resurrected Malice has an AoE attack that deals damage around it. It can also fire projectiles and summon minions. Be careful with its attacks and keep dodging especially for a melee class.

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Rewards of Forbidden City Dungeon

You can get 30 Renown and a Legendary Aspect, which is Nighthowler's Aspect. It can only be used by Druid class. You can also get Legendary D4 Items from elites if you're lucky.

This dungeon is not difficult to challenge and has good rewards. I suggest you repeat this dungeon as a farm location, not the best but good enough. That's all I want to tell you. Thanks for reading.
