Blog created for the President Trump Channel on DISQUS

Kommentare · 811 Ansichten

Not really sure what we're going to use this for.''

About 235,000 followers, probably about to be deplatformed by DISQUS.

S Hauk 6 Jahre

Is he the brightest light bulb to occupy the Oval Office? We know the answer. Has he attempted to keep his promises to eliminate illegal crossings into our country, return jobs to the U.S., and other promises? He has done a better job than the last few men preceding him in office. The others have just worked hard at seducing their interns, turning our country into a huge social welfare give-away system, and denying us out first ten basic rights under the Constitution. I refer to the Bill of Rights. They applied in the 1780s and they still do. They need no interpretation, no revision, and no elimination. I was born a free male child of Anglo ancestry, but I will die a potential prisoner of a system that has declared me inferior due to my race and treated as a potential source of funds for those who did not work for it. I produced for this country as a soldier/marine, a teacher, a computer repairman, a field hand, and a store worker.

S Hauk 6 Jahre

Is he the brightest light bulb to occupy the Oval Office? We know the answer. Has he attempted to keep his promises to eliminate illegal crossings into our country, return jobs to the U.S., and other promises? He has done a better job than the last few men preceding him in office. The others have just worked hard at seducing their interns, turning our country into a huge social welfare give-away system, and denying us out first ten basic rights under the Constitution. I refer to the Bill of Rights. They applied in the 1780s and they still do. They need no interpretation, no revision, and no elimination. I was born a free male child of Anglo ancestry, but I will die a potential prisoner of a system that has declared me inferior due to my race and treated as a potential source of funds for those who did not work for it. I produced for this country as a soldier/marine, a teacher, a computer repairman, a field hand, and a store worker.