How to create a successful blog? The 10 essential tips!

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The time has come to discover the secrets behind blogs that achieve results and are capable of creating a lead base. Check out 10 essential steps when creating a blog!

1. Define your personas for creation

Before writing any line of content, you need to be clear about who you are speaking to. Being more in-depth than delimiting the target audience, it is more complex to work with personas, as understanding and building these elements is an effective way of aligning the message, tone of voice, relevant points for the speech, and several other points pertinent to the writing of the text. blog.

The persona is a fictitious profile, based on accurate data and behavioral analysis of your audience. In short, the face and story will be given to the potential customer model for your business or service. This way, it will be much simpler to write and direct the content.

As an example of a persona, we can imagine the scenario: if you are the manager of a communication advisory company in the legal sector, your persona is more serious, centered, and open to more practical texts about the nuances of the profession. Clearly, its persona and the language used are divergent from a university that offers degrees in areas of communication, such as publicity and advertising, graphic design, and journalism. 

This happens because the way of communicating and the objectives to be achieved are different. To align all these points and get closer to the reality of your qualified lead, working on your persona can be essential when it comes to obtaining good results.

2. Study and apply inbound marketing

Known as content marketing, the concept of inbound marketing was created in 2006 by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah (partners who, together, made Hubspot). Going against traditional and world-renowned outbound marketing, inbound is a way of attracting new customers through the creation of relevant and valuable content for users. 

As the title of the book written by the co-founders of Hubspot suggests, it can be clarified as a way to be “[...] found using Google, social media and blogs”. This should be your guide when producing your content. With the techniques developed for this strategy, your results can be optimized and texts made more assertive.

Knowing the relevance of this to the success of your blog, look for reliable sources of knowledge about inbound marketing, and don't waste any more time!

3. Create headlines that are eye-catching

Creating an efficient title that catches the reader's attention can be essential and can be explored in two different ways, namely: asking or answering a question or using numbers to draw attention.

4. Be careful with redundancy: all content must be relevant

Leverage content to be relevant and useful. In a successful blog text, you should, as much as possible, avoid redundancy and the insertion of information that is not important or does not make sense in the context.

If there are no more ways to explore the subject in an interesting and inclusive way, it is best that the content be finalized. This comes from a simple thought: Why waste the user's time by making them read the same sentence in different ways? In addition to not being valuable to him, it will be a great demonstration of unpreparedness and lack of commitment to readers.

5. Always be original!

For search engines, the appearance of replicated content is subject to punishment in relation to indexing and positioning on search pages. For companies like Google, originality is synonymous with quality, thus prioritizing those who are willing to be original.

Furthermore, if you want to create rich content for your blog, there is no reason to justify plagiarism. Actions like this can alienate readers who will perceive your material as irrelevant and unreliable. Therefore, work to deliver new materials that can add value to those who dedicate their time to reading its pages. 

This is a basic principle in creating any type of content that can be created, but it is always worth reinforcing: stay original and trust in the quality of your product!

6. Organize your content funnel 

One of the principles of inbound marketing is to have a well-structured sales funnel to understand the consumer's purchasing journey and be able to take them through different stages, from consideration to capturing the lead and, subsequently, converting the user into a customer or subscriber. of the service.

We can divide it into the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Practically, we can define them as follows:

  • Top of the funnel: the majority of users looking for information about the product or content. For this group, this is not the time to try to convert, but rather to be useful and problem-solving.
  • Middle of the funnel: not everyone progresses to the next stage (the middle), this is because not everyone is actually looking for a solution to that pain, but just trying to understand it. Here, the content begins to introduce the company in a subtle way and without exaggeration, which is fundamental for the qualification of this lead.

  • Bottom of the funnel: In the last and most important stage, those who remain are valuable because they fit the customer profile sought by the company. This is the ideal time to talk about the company and explain how it can solve the problem.

Therefore, each text must be designed to effectively guide the user to the bottom of the funnel, without pressuring them or bombarding them with massive sales materials. Blog text is a way to strengthen relationship marketing, so it is important to understand and respect the different stages of evolution.

7. Blog post is also frequency

Knowing that a blog is an investment to achieve results in the medium and long term, there is no way to develop some content and constantly stop production, creating a large space of time between one content and another. This is because it can give the reader a feeling of abandonment or even inactivity.

Consistency is also the key to attracting the attention of search engines, and remaining productive and relevant when creating content. Additionally, the more content you produce, the more you are seen as an authority on the subject, which makes your channel trustworthy. 

That said, invest in frequency on your blog, feeding it with relevant materials that make sense to anyone at any stage of the sales funnel.

8. Use CTA 

Calls to Action can be defined as buttons used with the aim of directing the user to perform an action that takes them deeper into your blog, in order to guide them on their funnel journey or be a bridge to landing pages, where the user can ultimately become an increasingly qualified lead for the company.

Its name is based on imperative verbs, which invite the reader to reach the objective. For example: it is common to find CTAs like:

  • Access now!;
  • Subscribe to the monthly plan!;
  • Do not waste time;
  • Buy now;
  • Come be part.

Although simple, this is an action capable of generating results, mainly to keep the user on your pages, reducing the site's rejection rate, and placing itself in the reader's unconscious.

9. Don't leave the look aside: worry about the layout

Despite knowing that the content is extremely important, the look should also be taken into account when building your blog. This is an item that can alienate the reader when done the wrong way.

To illustrate better, imagine a website about meditation where the user, when trying to read the content, is faced with bright colors, large images, small letters, and little breathing space between paragraphs, in addition to many bright, animated gifs. For him, the visual discomfort will weigh more than the quality of the content. 

Did you just see how the medium negatively influences the message? Don't let this happen to your page! Look for more sober backgrounds, without flashy colors or visual elements that draw the reader's attention. When designing and composing, put yourself in the user's shoes and always look for what is best for the experience within the page as a whole.

10. Analyze your competition!

Don't worry, this is not a topic encouraging plagiarism of content! Analyzing the competition is a healthy thing that should be done by every company. This is because it is a practical way to understand the behavior of others and know how to stand out among them. That simple.

That way, in the process of studying your own strategy, you understand the market around you in order to build solid and assertive actions, based on what you can offer and develop together with your team. This is also a way to study content that is outside, but that seems relevant to the market as a whole.
