From Drab to Fab: Revitalising Your Living Room with Property Styling


Living rooms are more than just spaces for bulky sofas and heavy TV units. Your living room dictates the vibe of your overall house and needs to be styled with precision. Property styling in Melbourne can help you revamp your living room effortlessly. Styling a living room is tricky because it serves as a space for several activities such as entertainment, relaxation, and gatherings. The décor and the styling must do justice to all these functions. This is where home property styling services come to your rescue! In Melbourne, property styling is highly relied upon to enhance and upgrade the appearance of a space. Even when it comes to selling a space, property styling services for sale can be of great help. Property styling professionals design your space as per your target customer base which helps in fetching a good value for the property. With so many interior design ideas on social media and DIY hacks, people often take it upon themselves to style their living rooms. However, without the touch of a professional, you can end up making several design mistakes which can ruin the overall look of the living room. Here are a few ways to give your living room a stylish makeover with the help of spatial property styling services.

Tips to Revamp Your Living Room with The Help of Property Styling Professionals

  1. Keep in mind the colour psychology
Colours play a very crucial role in styling a living room. The colours you choose set the ambience of your space and therefore, they need to be selected carefully. The key here is to strike a balance between two or three shades. Remember, combining too many shades is never a good idea. Stick to one or two shades for your living room. Some of the popular combinations are pastel blues and greens, calming pinks and beige, and energetic teal with neutrals.

  1. Go for the perfect furniture arrangement
When planning furniture arrangements for the living room, start with the key items such as a sofa, coffee table, rug, side table, and TV unit. Measure your living room and allocate space for each item. Real estate property styling professionals may reuse your old furniture too if it fits the vibe of the room. The important point here is to select furniture that does not make the living room crowded.

  1. Play with different textures
Not everything in the living room has to be only about the wall colour and furniture! Using different materials, fabrics, and finishes can also enhance the look and feel of a living room. Pay attention to the cushion arrangement, select unique curtains, and try to use cane items if you want an earthy look for your living room. This idea can also be implemented for complete property styling.

  1. Focus on the lighting
Styling properties is incomplete without focusing on the lighting. With the right lighting, it is possible to highlight the best areas in your living room. From wall scones to table lamps, lights can also be used as décor elements in the living room.

  1. Don't forget to add personal touches
In addition to the lights, sofa sets, and tables, one needs to make the living room personalised too. Adding a few personal touches to finish the overall styling can bring a sense of character to the space. Opt for original paintings from local artists, handmade candles or have a corner for personal photographs and travel souvenirs. These small touches will change the aura of your living room and make it more inviting.

  1. Experiment with plants
Adding some greenery to your living room can liven up the whole space. Opt for hanging planters or add something small and delicate to the centre table! You can also revamp the corners of your living room with plants! Looking for property styling services? At Sale By Design Homes, we offer complete property styling services in Melbourne. We see to it that all our clients get complete assistance when it comes to property styling. Our stylists know the market dynamics and make sure to provide bespoke services! Get in touch with us today for queries and information on property styling services.