Write a authentic Essay by following our tips

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Essay writing can cause stress especially if it’s last minute. Most students often face the dilemma of whether they should attempt it on their own or contact professionals.

Essay writing can cause stress especially if it’s last minute. Most students often face the dilemma of whether they should attempt it on their own or contact professionals. But how hard it may be, students sooner or later accept the fact that several factors can divert their attention and take away the time focus needed to complete the essay assignment. This will only lead to compromised low-quality content for write my essay.

Details About Publication

When you are sharing the publication information for the paper, you have to follow the below mentioned order:

  • Your name
  • The name of your instructor
  • Course name
  • Date of assignment completion


The header will also include your last name as well as the page number. It is also important to include the page number.



Try not to experiment with the font. The recommended font is Times New Roman Size 12. Don’t change the size or else your professor may get angry.


Many times, students are tempted to make the title look fancy. They try to underline it, make it bold, and also put it in italics. But, this is not recommended at all. All you need to do is to center the title and capitalize the keyword.



The alignment of the text may not seem too important for many students. But, it is essential to make sure that the essay is left-aligned.



All texts in your essay need to be double-spaced. When you are writing an essay, make sure to click on the “Remove space after a paragraph.”


Work cited page

Make sure that the work cited is on a separate page. You can also insert a page break before the work cited page.



Generally, you don’t have to use abbreviations when you are writing an essay. As per the advice of advisors, scholars need to spell out the abbreviations into full words. This way, the professor won’t get confused.

There are certain cases when you have to add abbreviations. In this case, it is advisable to follow the below-mentioned rules:

  • Never place periods between capital letters
  • If the words are in lower case, you can add period.
  • If a phrase has a blend of upper case as well as lower case letters, don’t put periods.



Depending upon the type as well as the content of your essay, you may also have to use numbers in certain cases. When you have to use numbers, make sure to use the following guidelines:

  • As per the official guidelines, students need to use numbers that precede measurement. For example write, 7 kilograms instead of seven kilograms.
  • If you have to use Arabic numerals in your paper, it is important to spell out the numbers.
  • Roman numerals as per the guidelines are used in either outline or to indicate suffixes.
  • Try not to include ISBN numbers in a paper
  • Do not start a new sentence with numbers. Try to restate the sentence so that the number is placed somewhere else.


Images and Tables

In all types of paper, it is important to add photos, websites, tables, and other visual elements. Use tables and images only if they can add value to the overall quality of the work. If an image can’t bring any value to the essay, it is advisable not to add the picture or the table.

  • Add the image as close to the sentence as possible.
  • Create an image that can add labels under each particular image
  • Every image included in the paper should also feature a brief caption or information under the image.
  • It is important to have the titles of the table to be capitalized. You can also add the source of the table under it.



Sometimes, students may also have to add lists to their papers. When you have to add a list, you can follow these rules:

  • All lists included should be in horizontal
  • The colon should be placed between the list and the introductory sentence unless the list is a part of the sentence.



When writing any academic paper, students have to use different citations. Students have to conduct research, collect a variety of information, and put in information from different sources. To make a paper informative and compelling, it is important to cite the sources of the paper.

If the source of the paper won’t be cited correctly, it can influence the quality as well as your final grade. So, make sure to cite the sources correctly.


To add a reference to the original source, students should try to give reference to the information included in the paper. It is important to provide your professor with enough information about the origin information. Try to list all sources on a separate page.


General Formatting Rules For Essay Format:

  • Try to place the citation section on a separate page at the end of the week
  • Try to use the same margin and header with the last name and page number.
  • Try to name the page works cited and place the title in the centre or at the top of the page.
  • Try to align the citation entry with the left margin
  • Try to add all entries in alphabetical order.
  • When you are marking a single page of a printed source to which you have referenced.
  • When you are marking numerous pages in the source, try to use the abbreviation pp and add a specific span of pages after the abbreviation if necessary.
  • Try to use the name of an online database in italics if you have retrieved an original printed publication from the database.