Which the EA Spouse again summarises perfectly

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The anonymous EA spouse continues to explain how their partner accepted a job at EA when their previous studio collapsed, apparently due to publisher interference FUT 23 Coins. However, no sooner than they arrived, EA started implementing heavy crunch to meet strict deadlines. Within weeks, he was subjected to something referred to as ldquo;mild crunch or ldquo;pre-crunch, which resulted in working eight hour days, six days a week. This apparently went on for months, in order to prevent any serious crunch right at the end of development.

The serious crunch happened anyway. Soon this poor dev was working twelve hour shifts six days a week. This is when teammates dropped out with illness, and the effects of weeks of relentless work caught up with them. At the time the EA Spouse wrote the blog post, their partner was working 85 hours a week. ldquo;The current mandatory hours are 9am to 10pm ndash; seven days a week ndash; with the occasional Saturday evening off for good behavior (at 6:30pm).

This has a profound effect on game devs, which the EA Spouse again summarises perfectly. ldquo;The stress is taking its toll, they write. ldquo;After a certain number of hours spent working the eyes start to lose focus; after a certain number of weeks with only one day off fatigue starts to accrue and accumulate exponentially. There is a reason why there are two days in a weekend ndash; bad things happen to one physical, emotional, and mental health if these days are cut short. The team is rapidly beginning to introduce as many flaws as they are removing.

The saddest part of all, however, is when you see the impacts on devsrsquo; personal lives. ldquo;The love of my life comes home late at night complaining of a headache that will not go away and a chronically upset stomach buy FIFA 23 Coins, and my happy supportive smile is running out.
