Childproofing 101 - Ensuring Kids’ Safety

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Children thrive on curiosity. They touch anything and everything. How to ensure their safety around the house? Childproofing is necessary to keep your child out of danger.

Children tend to be curious. Your household items, furniture, and anything in their surrounding is a source of exploration for them. Their imaginations run wild when they strike a similarity in some items they’ve seen on TV. You see a couch and cushions; they see a fort. However, this curiosity can also lead them to potentially dangerous situations. Thus, you need to childproof your home to ensure your child’s safety. 

Childproofing the whole house may seem daunting, but it’s manageable once you break it down into one room at a time. For instance, some basic childproofing tips are:

  • The baby should be your priority as they have recently learned to crawl and can easily access switchboards, hanging wires, and other dangerous equipment around the house.
  • Clearing the decks should be second on the list. Put away anything hazardous or breakable such as hard candy, plants, vases, etc., in a non-reachable cupboard.
  • Try finding sturdy childproof protective devices that cannot be opened easily.

 Importance of Childproofing

Childproofing your house is essential to keeping your young ones safe. This is extremely crucial since accidents are the leading cause of injury and death in young children, for that matter. It also contributes to their development since they can explore and satisfy their curiosities without getting hurt or you surveilling them 24/7. It can promote independence and confidence.

Some tips for childproofing your home are:

Cover Up:

Try covering potentially dangerous items by placing child-safe covers on them. E.g.

  • Child safety covers on outlets.
  • Childproof window guards and safety nets on windows to help prevent falls.
  • Shields or coverings on light fixtures
  • Protective materials on hot pipes, radiator, and other burn hazards.

Get the Gear:

Inspect your stairs, furniture, and other household goods for potential harm or danger, and install protective gear such as:

  • Edge and corner bumpers on sharp corners like that of a coffee table.
  • Anchors to prevent appliances or furniture from tripping over.
  • Safety gates to prevent children from falling down the stairs and keep them from entering rooms with potential harm.
  • Door locks and door knob covers to prevent children from entering certain rooms.
  • Anti-scald devices for shower heads and other faucets to prevent burns from hot water. Moreover, set your water heater temperature to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit so it’s optimal for bathing and washing.
  • Cordless window coverings to prevent strangulation.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind:

Store dangerous items in locked or childproofed cabinets with safety latches to help prevent injuries and poisonings, especially the following objects:

  • Medications, cleaning supplies, and other hazardous chemicals.
  • Small objects that can cause a choking hazard.
  • Matches, candles, plastic bags, lighters, etc.
  • Lock away guns and firearms if you have any.

Check Your Alarm System:

  • Ensure you have a functional smoke and carbon monoxide alarm to alert you of any toxic gas hazard.
  • Install an alarm on every house level, inside bedrooms, and lounge areas.
  • Check them once a month and annually replace batteries.
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms in sleeping areas.

Emphasize Water Safety Measures:

  • Be extra cautious with water and its related hazards.
  • Never leave a child in a bathtub or pool unattended.
  • Install pool alarms as a protective measure.
  • Make sure the pool has power safety covers.

Childproofing is an effective way to keep your child safe and out of harm’s way. Accidents happen, but taking necessary preventive measures reduces the chances of potential hazards, accidents, or falls. Christian J. Fournier, in his books SAFETY DOG and the Adventures of Emma Ethan, has highlighted the importance of identifying hazards and taking preventive measures to avert dangers through fun and engaging characters.
