Writing tips

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Several times the ZnO was given the task to write a semi-formal letter. The tasks will be published below. Semi-official letters are usually written to editors of newspapers, magazines, radio programs, television programs to share their thoughts on a problem of interest to you and to influence public opinion. In addition, semi-formal letters are written to people you don't know very well or when you want to be more polite and respectful towards them (friend's parents, school teacher, etc.)

We have a big family of write my essay today who have a vast understanding of the English language and rules related to it. All of them are holding higher degrees with distinctions in their respective fields. Our highly professional writers are experts in writing styles such as MLA, Harward, APA, etc. They know how to structure an essay or write my essay for me as a research paper writer by following the rules of the English Language. 

In writing letters such language should be more literary rather than spoken, try not to write contraction ( Don’t the Do not), is only a couple of times, do not use phrasal verbs, and writing idioms. Ton should be polite and respectful.

A semi-formal letter is written as follows.

  1. Greeting.

There are two types of greetings:

  • if the task does not contain the first and last name of the person you are writing to, then start like this: Dear Sir or Madam. If it is known that this is a man (but the name and surname are not indicated in the assignment), then write Dear Sir, if it is known that this is a woman, but again her name and surname are not indicated in the assignment, then write Dear Madam;
  • if the assignment says to whom you are writing the letter, then we rewrite from the assignment. For example, Dear Mr. Brown or Dear Mrs. Green or Dear Ms. White or Dear Mr. and Mrs. Baker. As for the dot after the abbreviations Mr, Mrs, Ms, in the English version it is not put, but in American English, it is put. Therefore, you must carefully read the assignment and see what is written THERE. Check out some more great writer website premium essay writing service
  1. Introduction (or opening remarks)

Here you clearly state the reason (s) for writing the letter (reasons for writing). You do NOT need to ask about health, write about the latest news, etc. IMMEDIATELY write the reason why you are writing the letter and where you learned the information from. You can start like this: I am writing to express my opinion about an article that I read in your newspaper (magazine) about ... Or I have just listened to your programme about ... and I am writing to express my opinion on this serious issue.

  1. The main part (main body)

In the main body, you need to cover the main topic (s) in detail. This part usually consists of 3 paragraphs, each of which is devoted to a separate subtopic (the number of paragraphs in the main body of the letter depends on the condition of the problem):

Listening to the radio program you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship between teens. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the program. In your letter:

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends

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There are 3 subtopics here:

  • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why;
  • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong;
  • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends.

So the main body consists of 3 paragraphs. Remember to cover ALL the assignments of EACH paragraph.

For example, in the first paragraph, you must not only describe what kind of person you see as your friend but also WHY.

In addition, each subtopic must begin with a linking word, and the sentences in the subtopics must also contain linking words.

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4. The final part (conclusion or closing remarks)

In the final part (conclusion or closing remarks), you need to summarize what was written in the letter and once again express your opinion. Start by using the following linking words: In conclusion, to sum up, taking everything into account. (Remember one thing). There are no wishes and greetings to the addressee!

5 . Farewell and signature

There are two options here:

  • You do not know the name of the person you are writing to (i.e. start with Dear Sir or Madam, or Dear Sir, or Dear Madam,). In this case, end with the words Yours faithfully, and on the next line your invented first and last name, for example, Ann Brown (even if you are a boy!) Or Bob Brown (even if you are a girl!) Memorize it!
  • You know the name of the person you are writing to (i.e. dear Mr (Ms, Mrs) Brown). In this case, end with the words Yours sincerely, and on the next line you’re invented first and last name, for example, Ann Brown or Bob Brown. And memorize it. Don't get confused.

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