Animal Crossing New Horizons Beginners Tips

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Animal Crossing New Horizons Beginners Tips

The long-awaited Animal Crossing: New Horizons has arrived, and it's massive. Once you've arrived on your own deserted island, there's a lot to do, including weeding, cutting down trees, and transforming a barren wasteland into something resembling civilization.

It's easy to become overwhelmed as you learn New Horizons' plethora of systems, many of which rely on the player to figure things out for themselves rather than being spoon-fed a slew of tutorials. It's a lovely approach, but we can understand if some people get lost.

As a result, Trusted Reviews has compiled a list of six pointers to help you get started in Animal Crossing: New Leaf:New Horizons includes everything from animal crossing bells making tips to the idea of creating a routine to ensure you get the most out of Nintendo's latest release.

1. Pay attention to Tom Nook
Yes, we recognize how heinous and potentially deadly this advice may appear. The lecherous raccoon is known for bestowing loans on players and forcing them to complete all of the tasks he's too lazy to do himself, but he's also your best bet for getting ahead on the island.

Tom Nook, the guy dishing out major quests and milestones that introduce your house, important mechanics, and other goodies you'll need to succeed in New Horizons, will be your most frequent port of call during the opening hours. Try to pay him a visit once a day, jotting down any goals and adding them to your to-do list.

Tom Nook is also holding hostage valuable services such as the town ATM, which is used to buy a variety of necessities, redeem Nook Miles, and pay off your loan. He'll drag you into the sea and break your legs if you don't achieve the latter. Or something like that; he can't be trusted.

2. Create a daily routine
New Horizons isn't like other games; it's not something you can play in a single sitting. In the real world, progress is dictated by time. The day/night cycle is dictated by reality, which means that when the sun rises in the real world, it rises in Animal Crossing. Everything you do is based on this pace, so try to establish a routine that you can change on the fly.

I begin each day by scouring the island for fossils, shells, and other relics that have washed up on the beach. Following that, I converse with all of my villagers before visiting each shop to purchase whatever appeals to me. Finally, I visit Residential Services to see what major quests I'll be working on in the coming hours.

Try to create a similar pattern of activities for your island, as this will help you be more productive. Setting a long-term goal, such as an ambitious crafting recipe to pursue in the days and weeks ahead, is also beneficial. I'm still itching to build a giant mech, but the sheer number of fallen star fragments required makes this a worthwhile challenge.

3. Make the most of your time at the airport
The island airport is a valuable part of your virtual home, run by a pair of adorable flightless birds. It's used to invite friends to visit your island or to fly to theirs. Visiting other players' islands always results in a slew of unexpected spoils, such as bugs, fruit, and other unique items you won't find anywhere else.
There are also Nook Miles Tickets, which can be used to transport you to a randomly generated island full of delights. You'll frequently come across new fossils, bugs, and other resources that you can collect to your heart's content. Until your tools shatter into teeny-tiny fragments, that is.

Animals testing the waters of island life frequently inhabit these islands, and you are free to persuade them to move onto yours. I'm evil, so I only hired the cute ones who have a lot of personalities. Only the best and brightest virtual creatures are accepted to live on Weeaboo Island.

4. Avoid being a recluse
Previous games in the series limited your cosmetic customization to your home, making it impossible to jazz up the island/town with your endless array of furniture. That all changes at New Horizons, where you're encouraged to imbue the island with your own unique style. Do exactly that, because you'll be rewarded for it.

Don't worry about being a jerk during the first few hours. Your garden could be a mishmash of flowers, birdhouses, and vending machines, all encircled by an oddly sized fence. It doesn't matter, though, because it's all yours at the end of the day. Get out there and express yourself; your friends and fellow islanders will thank you.

5. Get some trees to sway
Every seasoned Animal Crossing player will be familiar with the task of shaking trees. There is a slew of unexpected treasures hidden among the leaves of these colossal monoliths. You might find crafting materials in some cases, while others may contain surprise furniture drops or money to spend in the island's shops. Just watch out for wasps: if they sting you twice, you'll pass out and end up back at home.

6. Don't overlook the Nookphone
The Nookphone is a central mechanic in New Horizons, and it contains everything you'll need to live your island life. Quests, crafting recipes, custom designs, and a plethora of other items can all be found here. As you progress through the day, the list will continue to grow, so keep an eye on it. Quests have a lot of rewards, and customizing your in-game passport has a cute charm to it.
