How to Write an Ad for Houses for Sale in Edmondson Park

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Do you have houses for sale in Edmondson Park? Write an irresistible ad: be honest, give as many details as possible, and write a story. Pay attention to the pictures; some good pictures can increase the price of the house you are selling by up to 7%.



Do you have houses for sale in Edmondson Park? Write an irresistible ad: be honest, give as many details as possible, and write a story. Pay attention to the pictures; some good pictures can increase the price of the house you are selling by up to 7%. Buyers are interested in where the property is located, so a piece of good advice is that, in addition to the neighborhood where the property you are selling is encountered, include the title and the street. Here are some expert tips on composing a real estate ad that meets your seller and buyer expectations.


Make a Complex Description of the Property


A detailed description helps the customer reach your ad quickly, enabling you to convert it from a prospect to a buyer. It is essential to fill in and check the main characteristics of the houses for sale in Edmondson Park in the ad form because those interested in buying a property take into account when searching for:

  • age of construction;
  • functional surface area (those who want a house are also interested in the surface area of the yard);
  • the type of compartmentalization;
  • floor (at home, they want to know the height regime);

Make additions to the ad whenever there is news important to the buyer (for example, a supermarket or a kindergarten has opened nearby). People also want to know all types of details about:

  • Utilities and improvements (if it is renovated, if it has thermal insulation, a metal door, etc.);
  • the resistance structure of the houses for sale in Edmondson Park(brick, concrete) and its equipment (video surveillance, basement, etc.);
  • access to a parking space or garage;
  • Points of interest in the area (means of transport, shops, schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, etc.)

Put the Advantages of the Property in the Foreground


The features are informative, but the perks are what sell the property in Edmondson Park. If the home is being sold with 0% buyer's commission, has access to a parking space, has a window in the bathroom, or furniture and appliances are included in the price, put this information upfront. If you are looking for a buyer on your own, you can start the ad text with "owner" but not continue with "Agents excluded!" "No credit!" (use a friendly tone: "You prefer to be contacted directly by the buyer," "You prefer cash payments," etc.).


It is vital to tell the truth in your property description; otherwise, you are wasting your time and the customers. It doesn't say that the apartment is "located 2 minutes from the market or the park" when it's 20 minutes away, and it doesn't pass false information about the usable area (the space in the house, without balconies). Write in what degree of seismic risk fall the houses you have for sale, and don't try to hide such information because it can be checked by the buyer on the authorities' websites.


Prepare the Home Before Taking Pictures


Along with the home's description in words, the visual part is significant in a real estate ad. Regardless of the condition of the property put up for sale, before the photo shoot, the home must be spotless! On the contrary, pictures of unwashed dishes and unmade beds will not attract customers. If you're selling a house by the yard, clear the garden of weeds before taking photos. Call home staging if you want to sell your house quickly and at a better price, which is a successful marketing method suggests that a home should be arranged when it is put up for sale.


Another critical step in preparing the houses for sale is to depersonalize it, and this means that before taking pictures, but also before receiving clients for viewings, you must remove from the frame the things that are related to you: remove the toothbrush from the bathroom toothpaste, toothpaste, creams, shower gel or cat litter, hiding family photos, knick-knacks, miles, the pot of iron on the stove, the clothes left to dry on the balcony, etc. The idea is that the potential client starts to see themselves sitting there, not to see your life and habits.


Then, to change the atmosphere of a property to be sold, especially one that is not luxury, use new curtains and drapes. They don't have to be expensive; they are affordable everywhere: vases with flowers (agents use artificial flowers, but you can use natural ones), paintings, decorative pillows, bed linen, new towels, and carpets. As for their color, neutral, warm, or pastel colors are recommended (cream, pink, yellow, blue, even a touch of red - now it also depends on what other colors you have around the house)."


After You Have Organized the Home, Start Taking Pictures


It is good to know that an ad that can attract many views has a photo gallery composed of sufficient pictures to allow potential customers to get an overall idea. It would be ideal to use a professional camera, but a smartphone that takes clear pictures is also good. The images should be bright, so taking pictures during the day is better. If your house in Edmondson Park is not sunny, compensate with an additional source (turn on all the light bulbs).


Try to capture as much space as possible, but be careful not to include pets, family members, hands, or your reflection in a mirror. Take advantage of the panorama from the windows, especially if you have landscapes. Don't edit your photos too much or abuse the fisheye lens because those blurry, reality-distorting images don't make a good impression. The order of the pictures also matters. Put the most relevant picture first, and order the rest from prettiest to most. From what experts observed, photos of the kitchen have the most significant impact, followed by those of the living room, bedroom, balcony (if any), and bathroom.


That is in the case of apartments. For houses for sale /villas, the order is as follows: pictures of the house's exterior, then of the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. It remains to put the right price and the contact details so that those interested in housing can reach you. If you cannot answer the phone at any time, write in the ad that you can also be contacted by e-mail, SMS, or WhatsApp. And that's it, you can publish the ad. As you can see, you don't have to be a professional to have a successful real estate ad.

