CrowdPoint, and the Advanced Medicine Exchange......
A method of presenting high quality products to a targeted customer. The concept appealed to my entrepreneural spirit. I signed up! I was thinking of my needs, goals, and extra income in retirement.
But what have I gotten into? CrowdPoint Technologies turned out to be a community of micropreneurs that care about their customers and each other. No 'dog-eat-dog.' I love it! Also, CrowdPoint uses a blockchain technology to ensure that the customer's identy and transactions are kept secure. The customer is king, and the products on the Advanced Medicine Exchange are scrutinized for the highest quality, and are fit for a king. Zero harmful ingredients. Needless to say, my goals have changed. I am prowd to be your host, and I mean it when I say, "May I help you?"
Joyce Cruvinel 4 yrs
Great blog post Bruce!