CrowdPoint and Advanced Medicine: Democratizing the digital world and "making it great again"!

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Like President Trump, our CEO and co-founder Sean O'Brien Brehm and Dr. Buttar care about democracy in America! See why everyone is joining CrowdPoint and Advanced Medicine to take back our identity and safeguard privacy, freedom, and health on CrowdPoint's ecosystem powering t

CrowdPoint is actually putting hands in the power of the people! Like President Trump, CrowdPoints Cyber Security Exchange and Advanced Medicine Exchange care about 'we the people' rather than big Tech and big Pharma...check for yourself and bring back democracy and privacy to the internet through CrowdPoint! Powering the blockchain and making the digital world great again, free from hackers and special interest groups!!

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Sharon Leonard 3 yrs

For Advanced Medicine:

Fran 4 yrs

Finally, I can hope again!