The Prayerful Word - November 25

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

1 Chronicles 29:13 Now therefore, our God, we thank Thee, and praise Thy glorious name.

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Psalm 31:7 I will rejoice and be glad in Thy lovingkindness, because Thou hast seen my affliction; Thou hast known the troubles of my soul, and Thou hast not given me over into the hand of the enemy…

John 13:14-15 If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. 15 For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.

Proverbs 21:4 Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin!

1 Peter 2:9 But you are … God’s special possession.

May you be resolved not to defile yourself with the available fare of the culture surrounding you, but remain faithful to what you have been taught from the Word of God. Daniel 1

May you trust God to provide you with the spiritual gifts needed for the responsibilities He assigns you in the position He places you, for He will not do half the job and fail at the rest, but will complete what He has begun in your life, to do you good and make you a blessing. Daniel 1

May you join with others to seek God at times of need, understanding it will affect so many others as well, asking God for His mercy, in full assurance of His provision, as you honor Him by your request, turning from all other sources, depending on and deepening your relationship with the Lord, which is the true purpose of all that drives you to, and draws you near, the Presence of God. Daniel 2

May you give praise to the Name of God for ever and ever, for wisdom and power are His, Who changes times and seasons, setting up authorities and bringing them down, revealing deep and hidden things, for light dwells with Him. Daniel 2

May you live in harmony with one another, being sympathetic, loving each other as brothers in Christ, compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3

May you repay evil and insult with blessing, not more evil, for you were called to this so that you may inherit His promise. 1 Peter 3

May you know that whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech, turning from evil and doing good, seeking peace and pursuing it, for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. 1 Peter 3

May you understand that no one is going to harm you if you are eager to do good, and even if you should suffer for what is right, you are still blessed. 1 Peter 3

May you not fear what those without Christ fear, and do not be frightened like those who live without heaven's hope. 1 Peter 3

May you set apart Christ as Lord in your heart, always prepared to give an answer to everyone for the hope you have, with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 1 Peter 3

May you accept that it is better, if it be God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil, for Christ died for sins once for all, to bring you to God, being put to death in the body, but made alive by the Spirit. 1 Peter 3

May you continue in the pledge of baptism, that of a good conscience toward God, for in it you are saved by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand – with angels, authorities and powers in submission to Him. 1 Peter 3

May you arm yourself with the same attitude as Christ, Who suffered in His body, that you may be done with sin and, as a result, not live the rest of your earthly life chasing the desires of your own human passions but, rather, for the will of God. 1 Peter 4

May you realize that those who do not know the pleasures of a Godly life which is lived in obedient and humble service to the Lord will think it strange that you do not plunge with them in the same flood of dissipation, debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They will heap abuse on you, but understand that they will have to give account to Him Who is ready to judge the living and the dead. Be ready, therefore, to preach the gospel to them so that though they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, they may yet live according to God in regard to the spirit. 1 Peter 4

I desire to give you My eyes to see with, My child, so that you will perceive the beauty of My creation, made in My image and testifying to My nature.
I want you to be able to discern between the coating, covering, encrusting blemishes and consequences of sin that distort the appearance of much which surrounds you, My little one, and the true substance of My creation that comes from Me and speaks of Me.
That is how you will be able to treasure those who are Mine, though they offer little beauty for your eyes to see. When you see through My eyes, you understand the treasure of a heart that is intent on serving Me. My eyes will show you the value of a mind whose thoughts are dedicated to sharing the riches of My love.
My spiritual vision will reveal to you the honor I have prepared for those scarred in My service, dirty from work in My fields, wounded and limping from the warfare against My enemy, broken and poured out on My altar with but one thought before them, and that, My precious one, is to make sure My Name is glorified.
Ask Me to show this to you, My dear one, that you may better serve My Body in humility, showing honor to those I choose to honor, encouraging those who need refreshing, strengthening those who are giving all, that your joy, in Me, may be full.

May you believe, trust, rely on and cling to the commandments of God as He teaches you good judgment, wise and right discernment and knowledge, for the Lord deals well with, and does good to, His servants, even as He has promised. Psalm 119

May you keep hearing, receiving, loving and obeying the word of the Lord, lest you go astray as you did before you were afflicted. Psalm 119

May you learn the decrees and statutes that the Lord is teaching you, for He is loving and kind and what He does is good. Psalm 119

May you keep His precepts with your whole heart, even though the arrogant and godless have smeared you with lies they have put together. Psalm 119

May you delight in the Law of God, though the hearts of the arrogant and godless are as fat as grease and their minds are dull and brutal. Psalm 119

May you acknowledge how good it has been for you to have been afflicted that you may learn His statutes and decrees. Psalm 119

May the law from the mouth of God be better and more precious to you than thousands of pieces of gold and silver. Psalm 119

May you gain understanding from the One Whose hands have made you, cunningly fashioning and establishing you, that you may learn God's commandments. Psalm 119

May you hope in God's word and tarry in His presence, so that those who reverently and worshipfully fear and respect the Lord will rejoice when they see you. Psalm 119

May you know that the Lord has afflicted you in faithfulness, for His judgments are right and righteous. Psalm 119

May you be comforted by God's merciful kindness steadfast, unfailing love, according to His promise to His servants. Psalm 119

May you delight in His law, that His compassion may come to you, and by His tender mercies and loving-kindness you may live. Psalm 119

May you meditate on God's precepts while the Lord puts the proud and arrogant to shame for dealing perversely with you without a cause. Psalm 119

May you be available, along with all those who know His testimonies and understand His statutes, to support and encourage those who reverently and worshipfully fear the Lord when they turn to you. Psalm 119

May your heart be sound, sincere, wholehearted, and blameless toward the decrees and statutes of the Lord that you may not be put to shame. Psalm 119

May you always fear the Lord and be blessed, lest you harden your heart and fall into trouble. Proverbs 28:14
