Rising lease: how the current outlook can be profitable for the broker

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The current political and economic panorama of the country has affected the real estate market in such a strong way, that this is considered the biggest crisis in the sector in the last sixteen years . In order to avoid further losses and rekindle the market, construction companies and

Growth in the rental market - While the market for buying and selling real estate has been in need of stimulus to keep warm, the rental market has been showing positive performance. According to data from the Regional Council of Realtors of the State of São Paulo (CRECI-SP), in the accumulated result for this year, the number of new leases shows an increase of 57.87%.

According to the October FipeZap Rental Index, the average advertised rental price per square meter in 9 cities surveyed (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasília, Santos, Porto Alegre, Campinas, Salvador, São Bernardo do Campo and Curitiba) was R $ 32.53 / month. The city with the most expensive m² was Rio de Janeiro (R $ 38.19 / month), followed by São Paulo (R $ 36.32 / month). The cheapest rental was in Curitiba (R $ 16.17 / month).


Renting as a business - According to the index, profitability has been decreasing since 2008 (the year when Fipe started recording annualized rental rates); in seven years, the drop was 42.5%. In the last report, the average annualized return on rent was 4.6%, well below the basic interest rate (Selic), of 14.25% per year.

Leasing real estate is a good way to supplement income, but for those who have a property to rent and still need a larger volume of money, it is possible to get even more out of the business. One of the types of credit on the rise in the country is real estate refinancing. The reason for the success is due to the ease in obtaining up to 50% of the property value, with a settlement period of up to 20 years, at a rate of 1.05% per month.

With real estate refinancing, the customer places a concrete guarantee on the loan - in this case, the property. With the guarantee, financial institutions are less at risk of default and this is reflected in the rate charged for the release of credit and the amount offered. But can I use a rental property  as a guarantee?  Yes. The only difference in the real estate refinancing process   for rented properties is that the lessee needs to contact the landlord to advise them that an engineer sent by the bank will perform an inspection of the property.

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Advantage of refinancing for renters - The 57.87% increase in the number of rental contracts, according to data from CRECI-SP, shows that renters will have no difficulty in finding renters. This movement facilitates the payment of the installments, since part of the amount will come from the rent.

Unlike other credit concessions, in refinancing, there is no restriction on the use of the raised capital. It is possible to use the money to invest in a business, in the purchase of a new property, to make trips, courses, in short, the use is free.

