Mages are also at the bottom of the list here

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They actually lose some of the toolkit that WoTLK Classic Gold they had from TBC like the feral charge but they're still powerful in the healing output sense.

We're now on the third and final beat here. Surprisingly Warlocks as well as mages appear here. The problem is that they're both extremely squishy in Wrath of the Lich King. Although the healing power is quite strong however, the potential for burst is nearly as strong.

Also, if you're an extremely squishy type of class such as Warlock or Mage you'll get shoot by ambush, you'll be coached by a warrior equipped with bladestorm. You'll be a victim of a lot of damage and will be forced to defend the majority of the game Warlocks get an abundance of tools which they didn't have, like instant casting stones, demonic port, the ability for castle to go through absorption effects, however, they're too squishy. My opinion is that they're not viable until the end of the expansion where they truly shine.

Mages are also at the bottom of the list here, because they're hard to manage within Wrath of the Lich King But they're also not among the highest-paying. They're not as bursty as they were TBC In fact, it's not just a matter of spam Icelands and then kill some thing, you have to cast more and do more setups and then wait for the results, so there's a little more to take care of on that side. Also I'm thinking they're more squishy than they weren't TPC.

Even though rogue mage priest is one of the best competitions in the game. If you're not your rogue and a god to your priest and God in your mage, it's unlikely that you'll go for the highest level within Wrath of the Lich King because that particular comp will get shut down a lot quicker than it did in TVC.

If you've managed to get this far within the clip, I'd appreciate it like I've put an enormous amount of time and energy into this video and I think it turned out quite well WoTLK Gold for sale. I'll be sure to make more PvP beta video in the near future. Along with some pre patch gameplay of me and my deathly wish to thank you so much for watching and hope to see you in the next video.
