The Prayerful Word - December 12

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Romans 5:10 While we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

1 John 3:8 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

Mark 8:34-35 And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. 35 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it.”

Acts 20:24 But I hold not my life of any account as dear unto myself, so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

May you be much in the presence of God, conversing, rejoicing, sharing, receiving, hearing, repenting, understanding, grieving. Amos 7

May you grow into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him, learning to trust the Lord as you show your trustworthiness, being shown His love while learning to show His love. Amos 7

May you know that He will let you intercede for others, standing in the gap, praying for those who are unknowing of what is coming upon them for your effectual fervent prayer will prevail greatly. Amos 7, James 5

May you stand firm in the ways of God, aligning to His plumb bob. Amos 7

May you gladly walk in the righteousness of the Word of the Lord, humbly obedient to the Holy Spirit. Amos 7

May you attend for a season, as He leads, in prayer for the serious need of His people, calling for workers who will enter the harvest. Amos 7

May you willingly sorrow for the sins of the nation, even though most will not understand the gravity of His charge and their pressing need for intercession. Amos 7

May you gently decline when others urge you to come to their joyous festivity and laughing celebration, realizing that they little know it soon will be removed and sorrowful ruin will take its place as the Day of the Lord approaches. Amos 7

May you trust in the One Who has called you though you have no qualifications. Amos 7

May you realize that God selects those who are poorly possessed by principalities and are weak in the ways of the world so that He is the Source that you will seek to meet the responsibilities He assigns. Amos 7

May you purpose to ensure that the glory will go to God as you see that He has prepared your path from the very beginning. Amos 7

May you be willing to let God speak to you from everyday events and common issues, for He has walked with you from the beginning and is familiar with your thoughts, knowing your heart. Amos 8

May you be confident that God will use what you have in your hand to accomplish His purpose, and will explain His truths through the knowledge you possess, for by doing this He entrusts His glory to your earthen vessel and shames the great of the world by using the mundane. Amos 8, 1 Corinthians 1, 2 Corinthians 4, Isaiah 29

May you assist the needy and help the poor of the land, honoring the time the Lord calls you apart to Himself. Amos 8

May you anticipate with joy and gladness your time alone with the Lord so that you can return to the marketplace bearing the stamp of His presence. Amos 8

May you demonstrate God’s presence by dealing with others in honor, acceptance, integrity, and purity, lest the Lord be required to reveal Himself through anger and darkness, bringing distress and fear, causing the land to tremble and the people to mourn. Amos 8

May you delight in the living Word of God and savor the time you spend studying it, learning, obeying, growing, harvesting kernels of truth from the passages and mining treasures of wisdom from its pages, enriching your heart and mind while strengthening your daily walk. Amos 8

May you be prepared for the day which will come when the Sovereign Lord will send a famine of hearing the words of the Lord upon the land, lest you be among the people who will stagger from place to place searching for, but not finding, His truth. Amos 8

May you be willing to surrender the shame you worship and reject the dead works you delight in lest you fall, never to rise again. Amos 8

May you know that the eyes of the Lord are fixed upon you, the Lord Almighty Who touches the earth causing all whose lives are based on and involved in the earth alone to mourn but those who inhabit the palace of His presence rejoice. Amos 9

May you understand that this is the Lord who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them over the face of the land, bringing destruction to those who are of the earth's kingdom but refreshing to those who have entered into God's kingdom. Amos 9

Though He has broken the bonds of slavery for all tribes and nations, may you realize He will destroy those who reject Him, separating them from those who cling to Him, just as the chaff and the grain are shaken together in the sieve, causing the chaff to fall to the ground but not a single grain be lost. Amos 9

May you rejoice in the promise by the Lord and partake in the realizing from the Lord when He restores the ruins of David's fallen tent and repairs its broken places. Amos 9

May you give praise to the Lord who will cause the harvest to be plentiful and the peace to be great so that the seasons are spent gathering the fruit rather than waging the war which trampled the vines and scattered the sheep. Amos 9

May you look forward with joy for the time when His people will be gathered, the cities rebuilt, and His kingdom will never be uprooted. Amos 9

Can a fish in a pond understand the world outside the water around it, a world that it is not equipped to experience, an environment that it could not survive? Can a hamster in a box succeed in comprehending the principles of economics and processes of manufacturing that work together to bring the food and water to it daily? Nor can you, My loved one, succeed in putting Me into the box in which you live.
Do not waste your time and effort attempting to define Me by the four walls of your existence - depth, width, height, and time; rather, allow Me to grow and mature you, to cause a metamorphosis within you, to equip you to live for now in both time and eternity, until you have learned and practiced how to walk in My Spirit in the heavenlies. Truly what I have created you for, though you are in the world, is not of this world.
Wear this world loosely; do not grasp the things around you tightly. It shall all pass away, and you shall emerge into eternity with those you love, where you will be forever. Learn of me now through the truth of the Word and the experience of prayer as your obedience to the prompting of My Spirit brings life to the dead letter, refreshing to the dull repetition, and joy to the dreary exercises as you pass from death into life everlasting and full of fellowship in My Father's house.

May you keep the Lord's command to endure patiently so that He may keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth. What He Who is holy and true and holds the key of David will open for you, no one can shut, and what He will shut for you, no one can open. He knows that you have kept His word and not denied His name, though you have little strength, therefore, if you hold to what you have, overcoming the one who would take your crown, God will make you a pillar in the temple. You will bear the name of God and of His city, coming out from heaven, and carry the new name of the Lord Jesus Christ; all will acknowledge that He loves you. Revelation 3

May you embrace the love of God, accepting His discipline and receiving His rebuke, in earnest repentance, for the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Ruler of God's creation, is standing, knocking, at your door. He knows from your deeds that you are lukewarm, that you are content with what you have, but ignorant of what you need, yet He is willing to come in and eat with you, if you will open the door. He will counsel you on how to gain His true riches, how to dress for His courts, and how to live in His health, lacking nothing, but walking in His victory as an overcomer. He invites you to share His authority, given Him by the Father God. Revelation 3

May your eyes not be haughty nor your heart proud before the Lord, concerning yourself with matters too great or things too wonderful for you, but putting your hope in the Lord both now and forever more, in the quietness and stillness of your soul, trust and accept His loving care for you as you grow and mature in His Spirit. Psalm 131

May you desire and seek the same lowly spirit that Jesus taught by example, willing to strive and struggle to discard and turn away from the pride that will bring you low, so that in the controlled strength of meekness you may gain honor, not by seeking it but by your actions attain it, and approval in God's sight. Proverbs 29:23
