What are these people and what is wrong with them?

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What are your current location? And what? Who invited you? It's not me, I'm sure. Please, please don't screw it up. I don't like what you're doing WoTLK Classic Gold. This isn't a good thing. This needs to stop. Excuse me, What? What's happening I'm sorry, but where did you originate from? Okay. It's not me. I did not invite you to this event. This was was not your fight. This is a re-imagined morgue it looks like one of the most tragic characters, Mr. Egg.

Oh, wait. What are these people and what is wrong with them? Why are are they so cruel? They're very nice. Right? The tears that they pour over me stop. This must stop immediately. It's not yesterday. Was it the day before? No, not today, in reality, neither yesterday. No, not today. Not tomorrow. Not the day after now. Thank you.

Hello. Move to, move to like they're torn and torn mu and it's moving. This is known as I agree. I'm called to. But don't be worried. I've killed everything here. Okay, you're fine. You're fine. You'll be good. I promise. I promise. Let's go move to move and I'm not seeing anything else to move to rather than myself.

Refrain from motomoto. Moto. Moto. Moto. Nothing's happening. What do you think? what do you look what you've done? Did you do a good job? in a different direction to continue walking? move to where are we headed? Then we'll move you are aware of the cold temperatures?

You don't have to be constantly talking about the frigid temperatures all right all right we'll do a little dummy move to just want just walk. Where do we want to go to in this way, we are going up everyone everyone's dead. Everything and everything is awfully sad, oh no!

no to I hope you die like you're just bringing me on cheap WoTLK Gold. You just give me a pleasant walk around the globe like is this really happening?
