The Prayerful Word - December 19

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Psalm 130:3-4 If Thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? 4 But there is forgiveness with Thee…

Matthew 22:37-39 Thou shalt love (agapao) the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love (agapao) your neighbor as thyself.

Romans 6:11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love [Agape], it profiteth me nothing.

May you turn to the Lord fully, abandoning all other powers, seeking only the face of God and desiring only His will to be done in your life, for to divide your allegiance, or to split your time, to be inclusive of other names in your affection, is to neglect the counsel of God and turn back from following His ways, and all who do so will have the hand of God stretched out against them. Zephaniah 1

May you listen for the voice of the Lord which will speak to your heart, calling and drawing you closer by His love, leading you and directing your thoughts and affections to be focused on the God Who is revealed in His Word, bidding you to come aside as ones He has called out and invited to His sacrificial feast, for He will punish those who reject His robes of righteousness and choose to walk under the covering of other authorities, following the traditions and behavior of those who have seen God's power but not accepted His ways. Zephaniah 1, 1 Samuel 5

May you not be complacent or satisfied with the way things are are in your life, but be deeply desirous of knowing the Lord ever more intimately, learning of Him Who willingly gave Himself for you while you still rejected all He stands for, for the great and terrible day of the Lord is near and coming quickly in which He will search the hearts of every person and punish those who traffic in religion for profit and those who deny the Lord's burning love for His own. Zephaniah 1

May you be drawn in obedience to come together, seeking the Lord's righteousness in humility and repentance, that He may shelter you in the day of His anger which will sweep the land at the appointed time, as He awesomely destroys the gods of those who threaten God's people, for the Lord your God will care for you and restore your fortune, and all the nations will worship Him. Zephaniah 2

May you fear the Lord and accept correction so that your dwelling will not be cut off nor His punishments come upon you, for the Lord, Who is righteous and does no wrong, dispenses His justice, morning by morning without fail, yet so many obey no one, accepting no correction nor trusting the Lord enough to draw near to God, and therefore He will consume them with the fire of His jealous anger, which will purify the lips of His people that they may call upon His name and serve Him, standing shoulder to shoulder. Zephaniah 3

May you be glad and rejoice with all your heart, shouting aloud to the Lord your King, for He has left the meek and the humble alive and living in His presence, all those who trust in the name of the Lord, and has taken away your punishment, turning back your enemy, for He is with you, abiding among you, and you will never again fear any harm since He is mighty to save and takes great delight in you, quieting you with His love and rejoicing over you with singing. Zephaniah 3

May you look forward with confidence to the time when the Lord removes the burden and reproach of religious traditions and obligations from you, dealing with those who have oppressed you, rescuing the wounded and gathering all who have been driven away, giving you praise and honor in the places to which you have been scattered and removing your shame as He brings you home and restores your fortune before your very eyes. Zephaniah 3

Walk in the light I have given you, My precious one.
Obey the word I have spoken to you. Practice the discipline I have shown you. Exercise the gift I have entrusted to you. Do it now – do not wait to ponder it and believe you can execute it better if you think long about it.
Follow My prompting in your heart and step forth when I direct you. You will not be satisfied with the way you express what I lay on your heart, and I will be ready to guide you in adjusting and fine-tuning your understanding. You are not perfect, but practice will bring you there. You will grow from the milk of babes to the meat of laborers as you participate in the work of the Father.
Do not fear that you will bring reproach to My name, for My Spirit is with you and in you to guide you. Only a deliberate choosing and prolonged effort to grieve the Spirit will permit you to cross the boundaries of My love; you will not overpower My Spirit or exceed My grace by accident.
Commit your ways to Me, and let My Spirit lead you, for the joy of a job well-done.

May you be willing to take what is offered from the Lord, Who is always mindful of His covenant and Who stores solemn and terrible realities for their own time, knowing that His Word is a double-edged sword and His truth, while sweet for those who accept it, holds bitter regrets for all who reject it. Revelation 10

May you praise the Lord with all your heart in front of the powers that resist God's will and reject His authority, as you bow toward His holy temple, thanking the Lord for His love and faithfulness because He has exalted His name and His word above all things. Psalm 138

May you call to the Lord, for He will answer you and make you bold and stouthearted. Psalm 138

May you praise the Lord when you hear the words of His mouth and sing of the ways of the Lord for His glory is great. Psalm 138

May you know with certainty that the Lord will fulfill His purpose for you, for though the Lord is highly exalted, He takes note of the humble and regards the lowly, preserving your life though you walk in the midst of trouble and saving you with His right hand for His love endures forever, not allowing Him to abandon the works of His hands. Psalm 138
