Worksheets essays,

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The topic of essays accompanies children in the most varied of forms over the entire school period and beyond. An essay is an organized text on a specific topic.

The students encounter essays again and again.  write my paper They are rightly one of the most important requirements in German. The students are supposed to write texts on their own, from a retelling to a self-invented story with stimulus words, there are many possibilities. The structure of an essay should be discussed in three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. This scheme can be found to a greater or lesser extent in every essay.

The topic of essays accompanies children in the most varied of forms over the entire school period and beyond. An essay is an organized text on a specific topic.

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Depending on the essay, the intention of the author but also the expectation of the reader differ. A fairy tale contains e.g. B. other linguistic means than a table of contents. The reader expects information from a report and entertainment from a story. First of all, the children have to learn that different forms of essays also have different characteristics.

The correct writing of essays usually begins in grade 2. But important technical terms can be introduced in grade one. Important structures in the oral language can also be laid here. These include B. speaking in full sentences and using the largest possible vocabulary.

Depending on the essay, the intention of the author differs as well as the expectation of the reader. A fairy tale contains e.g. B. other linguistic means than a table of contents. The reader expects information from a report and entertainment from a story. So that the children can learn these differences, it is necessary to thematize the different text forms. In addition, the different characteristics must also be developed and used by the children themselves. To do this, a lot of essays have to be written over the years. So that you always have interesting essay ideas available, you can download the worksheets on essays here for free.


As already mentioned above, it is immensely important to know which essay to write and which characteristics this form of essay has. This is the only way to select both the correct tense and the appropriate stylistic means.

After that, the corresponding form of essay should be structured at least in key points. In doing so, you can once again make yourself aware of the essential characteristics in the form before writing. Even spontaneous ideas can already be noted down here

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The writing down of thoughts in a stylistically correct form harbors great difficulties, especially for elementary school children, who are often still in the middle of learning a language. The children must first be clear about the special features and requirements of the respective form of essay. This is usually not so easy even with the first introduced picture stories. Here, 2nd graders usually have to pay attention to or learn a lot of things:

  1. You have to recognize which situations are shown in the picture.
  2. You need to find a headline that is as descriptive as possible.
  3. You have to keep the same tense throughout the text.
  4. You need to translate your thoughts into complete sentences.
  5. You should use as diverse a vocabulary as possible (adjectives, different sentence beginnings, no repetitions)
  6. You should pay attention to spelling
  7. You should use the correct grammatical forms in each case
  8. You have to invent your act. In a picture story, it is by no means sufficient to just describe the pictures: "There is a tree in the garden. A boy is standing under it and the sun is shining" is not a story about a picture. The children have to learn to write texts from this picture. From the situation described above, however, a text in the style of: "Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining and Jan wants to pick apples in the garden." but it is often a long and difficult journey for the children.

Later there is also the grammatical difficulty of verbatim speech. It becomes even more complicated for the children when the structurally more complex forms of description or retelling are introduced in the third school year. Here, you also have to pay attention to the exact structuring, the correct tense, and the use of the correct stylistic devices.

For children to learn to translate their thoughts into sophisticated texts, extensive exercise options are required.  write my paper We offer you a large number of free worksheets on a wide variety of essay topics.
