Tips for kids on writing an essay in elementary school

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These different tips will help students write good essays in elementary school.

  1. Think about what type of essay to write
  2. Make a note of the most important features:
    - factual (report, reviews, table of contents, descriptions)
    - decorative adjectives (picture and stimulus word stories, narratives)
    - exact details (reports, descriptions, retellings)
    - which tense?
    - What is the structure of the essay?
  3. Think about a meaningful headline that fits the essay form "A terrible experience" is more suitable for a story or narrative. For a report or a description, "The Accident" would be better.
  4. Make a list with different sentence beginnings. Then you can simply select the right ones there later.
  5. Finally, read through the essay again and consider:
    a) Does the text fit the task?
    b) have points 1-3 been taken into account?
    c) Have I chosen varied starts of sentences?

The beginnings of sentences are often a challenge even for experienced authors. Often, when following thoughts, write my paper one does not notice that the beginnings of sentences are  repeated. Children in particular also lack the appropriate vocabulary to make life a little easier for the students if you work out and write down different sentence beginnings with them. These can then be printed on cards and stowed in a pencil case. In this way, the children always have a selection of sentence beginnings at hand and can memorize them permanently. The same can be done with synonyms for important words such as:

living beings, objects, and verbs. You will also find numerous worksheets on the subject of expanding vocabulary in elementary school.

A selection of the beginning of a sentence is, for example: but, before, suddenly, then, after, then, first, now, later, then, all at once, finally, with it, concluding, ending, supplementing, in the end, first of all, last, just, here, this, that was

Alternatively, you can use the beginnings of sentences and synonyms to design wall posters for the class.

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The basic vocabulary building block for successful essays

For children from the 2nd school year to be able to successfully write essays, the foundation stone must be laid in the first school year and before. The alpha and omega are now the expansion of the vocabulary. Due to a variety of circumstances, the vocabulary of children is massively impoverished today. The frequent playing of radio plays must also be viewed critically. In contrast to reading aloud or even reading it yourself, there is no need to deal with individual words. Radio plays usually run alongside the child's play or to help them fall asleep. The child's play, however, already demands the child's concentration, so that when listening to radio plays, the individual words cannot be registered at all.

The situation is comparable when working with music. Music doesn't have to interfere with your work. On the contrary. Many people work better with music in the background. BUT ... those who work in a concentrated manner simply don't know afterward what they have heard. Often one does not even register the difference between music and moderation phases, news, or the weather report. The same thing happens to children with radio plays. Although they enjoy the background noise and also know that their favorite story is playing, they do not take the individual words as words. If used correctly, radio plays and television can also expand children's vocabulary.

Exercise material for essays

To introduce children to the topic of essays and to improve their writing skills, a wide range of tasks should be worked on. The scope of the tasks in the textbooks is usually not sufficient for this. That's why you will find a wide variety of tasks on the subject of essays to print out here. Here, children can work out essay structures and tips for writing essays. In addition, the individual parts of an essay can be practiced separately. Of course, there are also sample essays and suggestions for the task "Write an essay about ..:"

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Didactic commentary on essays in primary school

Written texts are still an important part of our society today. Regardless of whether it is about electronic letters, articles, minutes, guides, or descriptions, we encounter written texts everywhere in our lives. Not only do they provide us with information, but they also give us a picture of the author. The writing style, the stylistic means but also the use of correct or incorrect grammar tell the reader a lot about the author. Similar to spoken language, the reader automatically uses this information to classify the author according to social status, education, origin, and, if necessary, age.

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The writing down of trains of thought in demanding texts is a long and difficult road. This requires intense practice. It is therefore the responsibility of the primary school to teach the children the basic structures for writing down the individual text forms. With our worksheets on the subject of essays, write my paper you can offer the students extensive exercise material on various types of essays.

