The Prayerful Word - December 26

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Galatians 6:9 So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest.

John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Revelation 17:13-14 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings…

Isaiah 46:11 What I have said, that I will bring about.

1 John 3:18 Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.

May you recognize that the strongholds of man are not sufficient to withstand the Lord, for He will smite the impregnable fortress and cast out those who trust in their own works, dispossessing those who heap up riches gained from oppression and hoard goods for their own benefit, shutting their eyes, stopping their ears, and closing their hands against the needs of their neighbors, denying the abundance of God and rejecting His giving nature. Zechariah 9

May you rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion, and shout, Daughter of Jerusalem, for the Lord will defend His house, His people, against marauding forces, sifting out the disobedient and winnowing out the oppressors so that those who are left will belong to God and will be given the responsibilities of leadership and the authority of the Lord, for they have been tested and and found true, walking in the righteousness and salvation of the King Who has come to you in gentleness and humility, but will return as a warrior to establish His eternal kingdom. Zechariah 9

May you remain trusting in God when your circumstances are narrowed and restrictive, and continue hoping in the Lord through the time of your need, for He will cut off and exterminate the enemy which comes against your soul and will break the weapons of discouragement and despair which are used against you, speaking the word of peace, bringing life once again to your heart, and raising His banner of love over you, bringing joy and light into your darkness as He restores His dominion and establishes His kingdom within you, restoring double blessings for each trouble. Zechariah 9

May you be ready for battle and prepared for warfare when the Lord leads you forth against the spiritual powers and strongholds established over the cities of men, for the Lord will be seen over you like a windstorm, and you will speak His message to the people like a trumpet sounding, and show His power before them, as lightning flashing forth, and He will be your defense and protection when you walk forth as more than conquerors, treading on the fallen enemies, whom you overcome by the word of your testimony and the blood of the Lamb, loving not your life unto the death by yielding your will unto the Father's will, for He will save you on that day as the flock of His people, and He will lift you high over His land as precious jewels of a crown shining brilliantly in the light of His great goodness and beauty. Zechariah 9

You are one of My chosen, My select; you are one whose heart has responded to My wooing and whose desire has been toward Me, hungry for My Word and thirsty for My Spirit. You are one whom I value and treasure, one for whom I have given My all. You are called and special, but you are not exclusive.
My favor of forgiveness rests on you, but also extends to many more who have not looked up to see it within their reach. My truth gives liberty to you, and is still strong to set many more captives free. My healing peace has been a balm to your wounds and soothed your fears, and it is even yet available to be shared with others whose hearts are still broken.
Go, in the anointing of the Spirit, and be My hand made flesh. Stand up, as prompted by My Spirit, and be My voice proclaiming My praise in place of despair. Know that I am sending you, realize I am going with you, and recognize that I am already there to meet you, preparing the way and laying the groundwork.
There are many steps in the harvest; only one includes reaping, but all others, planting and weeding, watering and staking, are also necessary at their proper time. I will lead you – follow Me and meet Me where you are, that your joy may be full.

May you consider the events which occur in the world through the understanding that comes from the Word of God, and the wisdom which is given from the Spirit of God, as you devote time to touching the heart of God by learning His ways and obeying His commands, walking in the fearful awe of, and respectful honor to, the Sovereign Lord Who is your Creator and Redeemer, and the Captain of the hosts of heaven, that you may be ready to follow Him with the chosen and called, His loyal and faithful followers, when the rulers of this world combine their power and authority in one common purpose to wage war against the Lamb Who will triumph over them, for He is the Lord of lords and King of kings. Revelation 17

May you exalt your God the King and bless His name for ever with grateful and affectionate praise, daily comprehending new reasons for praising Him and always extolling His name, for no one can measure or understand His greatness which is so vast and deep as to be unsearchable, and one generation will laud His works to another telling of His mighty acts, speaking of the glorious splendor of His majesty and meditating on His wonderful works. Psalm 145

May you extol the Lord with all His saints, and join creation in praising the Lord, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love, good to all, having compassion on all He has made. Psalm 145

May your desires be satisfied from the Lord's open hand, for He is faithful to all His promises and loving to all He has made, upholding all those who fall and lifting up all who are bowed down, showing His mighty acts toward men and the glorious splendor of His everlasting kingdom to all generations. Psalm 145

May you call on the Lord in truth, for He will be near, fulfilling the desires of those who fear Him and watching over all who love Him, for He hears your cry and will save you, but He destroys the wicked. Psalm 145

May you clap a hand over your mouth if you have played the fool and exalted yourself or if you have planned evil. Proverbs 30:32
