The Prayerful Word - December 28

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Colossians 1:16 For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him:

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, then, under God's mighty hand, so that He will lift you up in His own good time.

Joshua 24:15 Joshua said, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Psalm 101:3 I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me.

Revelation 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.

May you stand firm in the authority of the Lord, Who stretches out the heavens, and remain solid in your faith in God, Who lays the foundation of the earth, for the One Who forms the spirit of man within him will make you an immovable rock for those who surround you, seeking your harm, and those who besiege you, seeking your downfall. All who try to move you from where He has placed you, as a standard of His justice, and a boundary marking the inheritance of His love, will be rent and torn, completely pressed down, unable to withstand the work of God which He has done in your life. Zechariah 12

May you be grateful to the Lord Who shields you from the enemy, so that when you are spiritually weak and stumble in the day of persecution, He is made strong within you. He will cause you, at your feeblest, to be a mighty conqueror like King David, who vanquished his foes and before whom his enemies surrendered before the battle began. Zechariah 12

May you receive the spirit of grace and supplication which the Lord pours out, that you may turn aside in intercession for a time of grieving and mourning for the sins of the land and the cost that was paid by your Redeemer. May you come in repentance to the fountain that cleanses you from sin and impurity, desiring of the Lord that the gift of faith which brings salvation be shed abroad in the hearts of all who will accept it. Zechariah 13

May you call upon the name of the Lord when you are brought into the fire to be refined like silver and tested like gold, for He will answer you and declare that you are His as you proclaim that the Lord is your God. Zechariah 13

I have loved you with a great love, My child. But how much of that love have you seen, and how much of that love have you accepted?
My love has removed the stains of your disobedience, and it has erased the marks of your rejection; it has even corrected the distortion of original, inherited sin in your nature. But have you forgotten from whence you came?
Do you let the wonderful, joyous reality of your rescue from a slow, suffocating death in a miry pit dim in your memory? Will you let the incredible dawning realization of your undeserved reprieve from the penalty of a tormenting eternity fade into obscurity?
I have done a glorious miracle in your life, My child, unimagined in men's thoughts, unheard of in men's tradition, unbelievable in men's understanding. Do not let the routine of daily life obscure the contrast between where you were and where I have brought you to.
Rehearse it, dear child, for My rescue of your life is your hope of glory. Repeat it, My love, for My grace and mercy in your life is the lifeline that others can hold on to. Relive it, My dear one, for the testimony of My work in your life is the spirit of prophecy that will reach hearts as nothing else will.
Do not hoard My gifts, but use them, sharing them with each other, and with those who do not know Me, for then you will be about your Father's business.

May you join the multitude in declaring that splendor and majesty, dominion and authority belong to God, for His judgments are true and sound, just and upright, even as all fall down in worship, paying divine honors to the Lord Who is seated on the throne, praising the One Who is respectfully feared and reverently honored by all His servants, both great and small. Revelation 19

May you rejoice, exulting and triumphant, giving glory and honor to the Lord God Almighty, Who reigns, and be glad, shouting for joy, for the wedding of the Lamb is arriving. His Bride has made herself ready, wearing fine linen, bright and clean, representing the upright, just, and godly deeds and conduct of God's people who have allowed His work in their lives to be completed, bringing them into the right standing with, and the holiness of, God. Revelation 19

May you know how good it is to sing praises to our gracious and lovely God, Whose understanding is inexhaustible and boundless, having no limit, and how pleasant and fitting it is to praise the Lord, Who is great and mighty in power. He builds up His people, gathering those who have been scattered, healing the brokenhearted and binding up their wounds, curing their pains and sorrows, sustaining the humble and lifting up the downtrodden, but casting down the wicked to the ground. Psalm 147

May you sing to the Lord with thanksgiving, making music to God, for He covers the sky with clouds, supplying the earth with rain to grow grass on the hillside as food for the cattle. Yet His pleasure is not in the strength of a horse nor his delight in the power of a man, but in the reverence and worship from those who see Him for Who He is and put their hope in His unending mercy and unfailing love. Psalm 147

May you extol the Lord and praise your God, for He strengthens the bars of your gates and blesses the people who take refuge within His shelter, granting peace to your boundaries. He satisfies your hunger with the truth of His Word, which He has revealed to His servants who understand, appreciate, give heed to and cherish the essence of the truth revealed by Him, the vital breath, the inspiration of all inspired preaching and interpretation of His divine will and purpose, which He has done for no one else. Psalm 147 Revelation 17
