The Prayerful Word - January 1

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Psalm 119:2 Blessed are they that keep [the Lord’s] testimonies, and that seek Him with the whole heart.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

2 Timothy 1:3 …I constantly remember you in my prayers.

Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfishness … but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Matthew 7:14 For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.

May you understand that you are the personal creation of God, hand-made with meticulous deliberation, thought-out care and precise craftsmanship, fashioned in His image, to His specifications, and for His purpose, a precious gem, a masterpiece of great value, a work of art bearing vast beauty and deep, personal significance to the Artist. In this way, you can begin to comprehend the tragic loss He experienced when His enemy gained the title of ownership through cunning subterfuge, causing the slime of sin to coat, mar, and warp God's dearest creation. Genesis 1

May you realize that though you have been formless and empty in the past, with darkness covering the deep parts of your heart, the Spirit of God has always been near, hovering, drawing you to Him, speaking of His love and showing His majesty through all of creation, ever patient, never tiring. He has always been present, drawing near to you whenever you turned to Him, so that when you accepted His gift of faith to believe in God's Son, He was there to speak Light into your life. Genesis 1

May you allow God to do His complete work of creation in your heart and your mind, as He makes you aware of spiritual things and brings forth spiritual fruit in your heart, giving you wisdom to recognize the seasons in your life and understanding for the responsibilities He assigns you to be steward of in the world. By this means, you will show the image of God that is slowly but reliably and persistently made ever clearer within you, seen by others and blessed by God, to be fruitful and bring increase to His kingdom, filling, ruling, and subduing all authority that is counter to and resistant toward the will of God. Genesis 1

Patience, My people, will be needed in this coming year, for I have much for you to do, and I have times for it to be done. You must be patient in your obedience, not excitedly running ahead or distractedly lagging behind, but patiently listening to the Spirit's prompting so you can move when it is time and stay when it is needed.
Patient endurance will be called for this year as you are faced with trials and afflictions that the enemy brings against you. Know simply that though the desire of the evil one is to weaken and distract you, it is My will that is being done to strengthen and focus you on the work that you are doing. The defeated foe, even in his rage, can do nothing beyond My Word, and I am always there to support you. Just as a soldier runs an obstacle course to the point of weariness, and an athlete practices to the point of exhaustion, so the tribulations you experience in the world when you are submitted to Me bring you to the peak of your performance.
Patient persistence will be the source of your strength in the coming months, for growth and increase come little by little as you continue studying in My Word and walking in My Spirit. Even when there seems to be nothing but the gray days of duty ahead of you, know that I am walking with you and am transforming your resigned acceptance into exuberant joy as the indistinct image of Christ becomes polished into the clear and unmistakable vision of the Father's love in your life.
Be patient with one another, knowing that each one is working hard, carrying much, and following Me, so extend to them the grace that I have given to you and bestow upon them the mercy that you have received from Me. That is how My Body will be knit together, and how the world will see My love demonstrated among My people.

May you rest in confidence that past mistakes and previous errors and prior choices will not and cannot disrupt or derail God's plan and purpose for you. Just as the lineage of Christ includes those who did evil and many who made mistakes, as well as people who were outside the promise and covenant of God to His people, even so, the Lord will succeed in forming Christ within you using all the diversity of experience you bring and submit to Him. Matthew 1

May you be ever aware that to know the scriptures and believe them to be true is not enough, for even King Herod's advisors, the chief priests, and teachers could answer the questions of the Magi, but none found the Child except those willing to worship Him, whether poor, illiterate, and busy shepherds or rich, educated, and idle noblemen. When you seek Him to praise Him, you will find Him. Matthew 2

May you meditate on the law of the Lord day and night because of your delight and pleasure in it, for then you will not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. Psalm 1

May you will be like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding its fruit in season and growing vigorously, prospering in all you do. Psalm 1

May you be grateful that the Lord watches over and blesses your ways as you walk in and obey His ways. Psalm 1

May you choose not to be among those who walk in the ways of the wicked, for they shall perish like chaff that the wind blows away, unable to stand justified in God's judgment or in the congregation of those in right standing with God. Psalm 1

May you gain learning by listening to, and wisdom by hearing, the guidance given to the discerning by the Word of God. Proverbs 1:1,2

May you attain wisdom to understand words of insight, and self-control to acquire a disciplined and prudent lifestyle of doing what is right and just and fair. Proverbs 1:3,4

May you be willing to receive the prudence He gives to the simple, and the knowledge with discretion He gives to the young. Proverbs 1:5,6
