The Prayerful Word - January 6

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Ephesians 5:1-2 Be imitators of God, as beloved children, 2 and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.

1 Samuel 15:29 And also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind.

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming.

May your choices not be based on material issues or natural conditions, like Lot did, but consider the spiritual cost. Remember that putting God first and making your search for His kingdom the primary purpose will allow all of the other things to be added to you. Genesis 13

May you expect God to make a separation in your life, pulling others away who will unsettle the peace of your heart and disturb the calm of your spirit. Once the distractions are gone, He will bring His promises to you, as He did to Abram. Genesis 13

May you know that though you live peacefully with your neighbors, the strife of others will, at some point, affect you, though you have no quarrel of your own. But as you trust God for wisdom and grace, He will give you strategies and multiply your resources, giving you the victory that others could not accomplish. Genesis 14

May you accept blessing and grace from unusual and unconventional sources, which may not follow the pattern you are familiar with. But as you understand the essential truths that you share together, you will find fellowship and refreshing together. Genesis 14

May you feel comfortable asking your questions of, and expressing your concerns to, the Lord, for He is a faithful and compassionate Friend. Your honest complaints and doubts, your anger and frustration, do not cause God any worry, nor does He hold them against you, but welcomes and accepts you. Genesis 15

May you receive God's answers with an open heart filled with faith, not doubting His word, but anticipating His promises with gladness and trust. It shall be credited to you as righteousness. Genesis 15

May you rely on God's promises and trust His love as you come to understand that the path to His promise goes through some dark and difficult times. It will be in those most challenging occasions that you will receive the greatest blessings and learn the most intimate truths of His love for you. Genesis 15

Turn to Me, My little one, in every circumstance and for every issue. Seek Me for each question. Desire My truth and My answer for any choice.
As you look into My face in the spirit and stretch out your hand to feel My heartbeat, the turning of your desire to Me will change you and do My work within your spirit.
You do not need to beg Me to hear you or plead with Me to be with you. I am always there and My ear is always open to your least whisper. But you do need to make Me your first stop, your one source, your only desire, so that the influences on your life are not many and your soul is not pulled in multiple directions.
Yield to Me, My child, by coming to Me. Sit before Me, lay before Me, glance with your thoughts at Me, acknowledge Me in passing, thank Me for each little thing that I have given you and the care I am providing you. Any time spent in My presence, however short it may be, is never wasted.

May you turn to God willingly for deliverance from and victory over your carnal nature and fleshly desires of the heart. Though the discipline is strict and the pain can be great, the Lord will be with you and provide all that you need to save you out of your sin, not in your sin. Matthew 5

May you live your life with integrity in all issues such that others know without question that you speak truthfully and your promises will be kept. Therein do you honor the Father and show His faithfulness to the world. Matthew 5

May you accept the violence people give you, without retaliation, regardless of the injustice or unfairness. May you give what others demand, adding more than they require, willing rather to suffer loss of material goods and social status before man than suffer loss of peace and fellowship with God. Else, by striving and disputing in the flesh and turning to your natural strength and carnal understanding, you no longer walk in faith and trust in the Lord instead of relying on and having confidence in the justice and judgment of God's timing. Matthew 5

May you have the vision of the Father Who looks on each person as having great value and being precious in His sight, giving no heed to affiliations or associations of man that divide, isolate and separate. Matthew 5

May you be willing, even as Jesus demonstrated, to love and pray for all, giving common grace and courtesy to every person regardless of their response, that you might be shown to be children of your Father in heaven, Who is perfect. Matthew 5

May the Lord not rebuke you in His anger or discipline you in His wrath, but have mercy on you for you are faint, and heal you, for your bones are in agony, as you wonder how long until the Lord turns and delivers you, saving you because of His unfailing love toward you. Psalm 6

May the Lord hear your cry for mercy as you flood your bed all night with weeping and wear yourself out from groaning, weak with sorrow, and accept your prayer, as He turns back your enemies in shame, dismay and sudden disgrace. Psalm 6

May you listen to the wisdom of the Lord so you can live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm, unlike fools, whose complacency will destroy them, and the naive, whose backsliding and departure from the truth will kill them. Proverbs 1:32,33
