How Crowdpoint Helps

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How Crowdpoint helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and the common man and woman protect their data and earn money doing it!

You and I have something in common. Well, there are many things we have in common but one I know for certain. We are under the oppression of surveillance capitalism. If that sounds like an unfamiliar term out of an old Orwell book, you are on the right page, and allow me to clarify.

I remember the day my wife told me the beautiful news that she was pregnant. It was such an exciting, yet private moment for us to share only. We talked about all the things that would change, stay the same, and all the new memories we would create together.

The very next day my wife and I reported something strange to one another. We both had received advertisements on our social media apps for products we had never received before. I had scrolled into a video showing me the latest and greatest baby crib. My wife had visited a website sidelined with ads that were determined to convince her she needed a breast pump and diapers at only 6 weeks pregnant.

You might be thinking: “Well, that happens all of the time, and it is helpful!” Please allow me to clarify what is happening here. Apple is listening to your every word to find key phrases. Apple records your data and then sells it to Google. Google buys your stolen data and resells it to marketers and advertisers, and without your permission, sell your products using your exploited personal data.

A once beautiful and private moment has now been exploited into a human identity slave trade. This is happening on a massive scale with unimaginable complexities. What if I told you the blockchain could help you create your decentralized ID and provide privacy, protection, and performance? And with your decentralized ID, you can use smart contract technology to enforce companies to a set of rules and standards they must follow to engage with you. And if you so choose, to engage with your data, they must pay you a percentage of the profits they earn from using or selling your data.

This is the beauty and the power of the 4th industrial revolution. I am partnered with a company that has built the infrastructure to leverage this exact scenario. Crowdpoint Technologies provides a platform for you and me to create transactions with each other for high-quality products and services built by businesses, such as Advanced Medicine, that share our ideals. As an added value they provide us the ability to create our decentralized ID and free ourselves from the Human Identity slave trade. The blockchain is like Morpheus, and you and I are like Neo, and we are being offered a choice. Do you accept the red pill or the blue pill?
