Real Estate Partnerships: The Foolproof Sales Strategy in the Pandemic

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Hi Broker. Are you okay out there? real estate partnerships


As we are well aware, the real estate market is always one of the main ones impacted by the economic scenario and, surprisingly, in the midst of all the challenges that the effects of the Pandemic brought us, we are doing very well. real estate partnerships

Definitely, the realtor who was able to see the “glass half full” turned crisis into opportunity.

One of the most assertive paths taken by market professionals in 2020, without a shadow of a doubt, was the real estate partnership.

The real estate partnership is the infallible sales strategy in the Pandemic.

It is true that as the leading company in this business proposal, we are suspicious of talking, but it is not “just” for that.

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The Homer Real Estate Partnerships "is doing very well, thank you!" because it is, in fact, an excellent business proposition for the real estate market.

And it's not us talking, it's the numbers.

If there are no arguments against facts, look:

Homer Parceiros currently has more than 50,000 brokers registered in the App from all over Brazil. Of these, 46% did business in the last quarter – amidst the Pandemic boom ! – with Homer's help.

In other words, almost half of our brokers are doing business with our help and that of other market professionals who have the same objective: to sell more!

It was also in this same period that Homer   grew 25%.

Homer's success stories with the realtor and their clients are countless. One of them is from Anderson Ventin.

Ventin is not just another professional in the field who uses Homer to sell more and in less time, he is 'THE' professional in the field. A Realtor with eight years of experience, speaker, mentor and someone who makes us proud to be a Homer user.

Ventin , which operates in the Northeast, increased its turnover by 25% in the Pandemic and managed to zero the rental stock three times in the same period.

According to him, 70% of his sales were made through partnerships with other realtors, with the help of Homer.

Ventin spoke a little more about his experiences with Homer for a local newspaper and we share an excerpt from his interview here:

“I use it a lot, why not? Able to generate business at a much higher speed, through the crossing of key information (product) that each one has, and what each one is looking for. You don't stop doing a deal because you don't have a certain type in the portfolio”.  estate partnerships

Ventin's speech perfectly illustrates the power of the real estate partnership, especially when he says that “he doesn't stop doing business because he doesn't have a certain type of property”.

It is this connection between realtors that has given them the performance they need to get around all the challenges that the Chinese virus has brought to the world.

It is the real estate partnerships that are allowing the real estate broker to meet the goals set at the beginning of the month and even in a scenario of uncertainty like what we had in March of this year – the beginning of the Pandemic – to make the real estate market one of the “least suffered” with the crisis.

More than the infallible strategy to sell more in the Pandemic, the real estate partnership has consolidated itself as the best sales strategy in the market.

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