The Prayerful Word - January 23

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.

Psalm 46:7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.

Amos 4:13 For behold, He who forms mountains and creates the wind and declares to man what are His thoughts, He who makes dawn into darkness and treads on the high places of the earth, the LORD of hosts is His name

Isaiah 44:6 Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.

Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

May you turn to God in all decisions, offering thanks and seeking guidance and confirmation from the One Who has shown Himself strong to help, and willing to answer. Genesis 46

May you be confident in God's power to keep His promises, and rest in His assurance, for though He takes His time, His Word is true. Consider that after 200 years from when Abraham received the promise of God to become a mighty nation, Jacob and his family numbered only 70 as they went into Egypt, but were multiplied by God so they came out from Egypt a nation. Genesis 46

May you be willing to bless those who show kindness to you, since you understand that they are used of God, on occasion unknowingly, to minister their substance, time, and energy to you. May you be willing to return to them the favor and good will of the King you both are serving at the moment. Genesis 47

May your confession and behavior always be that of a pilgrim, passing through, and unwilling to become entangled by the long-term concerns around you or carry the weighty things that quickly cease to be useful and offer no eternal value. As a pilgrim, you must wear the world loosely. Genesis 47

May you not be surprised that God's blessing and provision, His protection and defense of His people will overflow and include many who have not professed to follow Him, for so many are undecided and God is not willing that any should perish. This is why God's provision for Jacob's family included all of Egypt and Canaan, and as a result, many Egyptians left in the Exodus, and many Canaanites, like Rahab and Ruth, joined them. Genesis 47

May you willingly serve the God of heaven and fully obey the King of glory, Who has given Himself utterly to rescue you from death. If the Egyptians considered slavery for their family and descendants to the Pharaoh to be a good value in exchange for grain to make bread, how much more should we commit ourselves completely to the One Who gives us the broken Bread of Life. Genesis 47

Follow My footsteps, My child. Walk in the path I have taken. See the prints I have left along the way and walk as I have.
I did not march with forceful step, shod with iron, grinding to dust all that came under My feet. Look at the path and see, in the dust, the mark of simple common sandals, that offered protection to the feet but did not mar the surface of the road that was traveled.
See each step and measure the distance traveled. I did not travel in great, ground-covering strides, as one with a set purpose and destination, impatient to arrive, anxious to be finished with the unpleasantness of the travel, eager to settle into the luxury and ease of expensive accommodations.
My steps went to where the needs would be found. I followed the will of the Father, whither soever it led Me. I was mindful of each person along the way, alert to My Father's heart, and attentive and obedient at each step to do and say what I saw from My Father in heaven. The journey was the destination, and I was always where He wanted Me at the time I needed to be there, never in a hurry, never impatient, never pushing past those with faith to receive from Me, never ignoring the needs that would delay My travel.
Look at the shape of the footprints in the dust. See how often they dragged from step to step. Tiredness is a close companion on a journey. Exhaustion is a reality when traveling. When weary, I rested, and then continued. Do not think you have failed if you are worn out along the way for that is the nature of the process. Understand that you can be tired from the trip without being tired of the trip.
See how the prints in the dust step aside from the carts and make room for the loads that share the road. I did not march down the middle with trumpets blaring before Me, forcing all other traffic to the side. I came in humble conditions, seeking humble people.
That is how I found you, and that is how I send you. Walk in humility, My child, stepping aside for the proud and arrogant, as they travel fast to their destination, which ends in destruction. Pause when you encounter the impatient and frustrated, for I see a spark of faith in their heart and have hindered their trip so they can meet you and receive My words of encouragement. Do not pass them by, but pause and bind their wounds. It will not interfere with your journey, for this is your journey.
Walk in My footsteps today, My child.

May you hunger for the truth of the Scriptures and desire the discernment of the Spirit to separate the chaff from the wheat, the dross from the gold, man's self-serving traditions from God's life-giving Word. Matthew 15

May you comprehend that your choice of actions will make yourself unhealthy to others, or will bring strength and health to their bones, for it is what comes from your heart in words and deeds that touches the heart and mind of another. Matthew 15

May the words of your mouth and the works of your hands come from the fullness of the Father's heart. Matthew 15

May you be reassured that what the Father plants will be watered by the Spirit and nourished by the Word, enduring the heat and drought, surviving the floods and hail, producing much good fruit. Even if it is cut down, there will be life in the stump and it will sprout again, renewed, and not removed. Matthew 15

May you find that the Lord will never reject the modest heart of a determined person who seeks and keeps on seeking, without arrogance, carrying the concern for another. Matthew 15

May you always be confident of the love in Christ's heart even when a frown seems to be on His face, and be encouraged to trust Him even when He appears ready to slay you. Matthew 15

May God's love move you to compassion for others, lest your carnal nature move you to frustration with others. Matthew 15

May your voice give speech to the testimony of the heavens which declare the glory of God and proclaim the work of His hands throughout the world, so that the earth may be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Psalm 19, Habakkuk 2, Isaiah 11

May you gain the understanding to perceive the great rewards of keeping the Word of God, for your soul is revived by the perfect law of the Lord, you are made wise with His trustworthy statutes, your heart is filled with joy from the upright precepts of God, and your eyes sparkle with enlightenment because of His clear commands. The pure respectful awe of the Lord is eternal and the righteous ordinances of the Lord are sure, being more precious than much pure gold and sweeter than honey drawn directly from the comb. Psalm 19

May the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be pleasing in the sight of the Lord, your Rock and your Redeemer. He is the One who forgives your hidden faults and keeps you from willful sins that you may be blameless, acquitted of great transgression and cleansed from blatant rebellion. Psalm 19
